"Actual leftist:" A lib said "China bad"

Actual leftist: Ok, I don't think there's a genocide, but what is actually going on in Xinjiang? Or China generally--what about the billionaires?

"Actual leftist:" Everything you've heard about Xinjiang, or China, is actually US imperialist propaganda. China is good, because US imperialism is bad. Here's a 187 page document with 9976 citations, showing that there's US propaganda about a genocide taking place in Xinjiang. As for detention, have you considered that there's mass incarceration in the US?

The restoration of capitalism in China is good, because it lifted millions out of poverty . What's the difference between that and the NEP? (Don't actually think about or answer that, the point is that you're drinking the kool aid).

But also, actually existing socialism with Chinese characteristics is incomprehensible to western leftists, and if you point out that any of this is bullshit or literally identical to arguments that the Heritage Foundation makes, you are personally furthering western imperialist propaganda.

Imperialist wars, after all, happen when a critical mass of the population goes online and reads any sort of left criticism about another country. "Proletarian internationalism?" More like western chauvinism.

Sure China isn't perfect, but (several paragraphs in which abandoning the gains of the revolution and reintegrating China into global capitalism are discussed as if the process was analogous to the growing pains of a good-natured teenager).
Critical support means not raising any criticism of China until it outcompetes the US on a capitalist basis, as opposed to being the second-most-dominant power in the world.