if you trace the latest lingo back to it's point of origin, it's a 9 year old who is unsupervised on the internet in Spokane having a "conversation" about boobs with a 14 year old sound cloud rapper with damage to Wernicke's area and Broca's region from huffing gas who is using the day room computer at a state hospital during a 72 hour hold in Paramus.
if you trace the latest lingo back to it's point of origin, it's a 9 year old who is unsupervised on the internet in Spokane having a "conversation" about boobs with a 14 year old sound cloud rapper with damage to Wernicke's area and Broca's region from huffing gas who is using the day room computer at a state hospital during a 72 hour hold in Paramus.
Van Gogh was a schizophrenic who regularly consumed tainted absinthe. He produced some of the most celebrated artistic works in history.
Let the 14 year old sound cloud rappers do their thing.
nobody, least of all me, is stopping them. but i am going comment, and no law of god or man will prevent me from doing so.