Like all automation, it would be cool if it didn't mean workers were staring down the barrel of capitol's gun. I love the cool art machine learning models can generate. Would be even cooler if we lived in a world where this didn't threaten anybody and couldn't be used as a cudjol.
We can make a world where this is the case. Suck my guts (girl nuts) for more objectively correct takes you slop hogs.
I have real reservations about it because once people start using it for animation (video synthesis/generation? idk) in HD it's going to be more energy-intensive, and having that be widely available really kinda sounds bad. I mean it may not be the scale of crypto in terms of power consumption, but burning the earth to create a 4k "Judy Hopps Stuck in Dryer, What is Stepfox Doing?" clip doesn't sound great either.
It's not going to start using 0.2% of global energy usage like Ethereum did.
True, it's not gonna be that bad, but the ease of use means that people are going to make a lot of it. At the very least I think there's potential for the energy cost of AI-generated art (factoring in discarded/unused generated video/images) to be pretty high.
This is an interesting point I don't think I've seen crop up in any of the other threads, similar to some big criticisms I have of IoT.
wonder how it does vs raytraced 3d renders. I know OptiX is a neural net demonising thing and it way reduces the time + energy my renders take
edit: denoising, not demonising lmao