There's a lot of things wrong about your post. You're just repeating the same "socialism is when you don't have an iphone" rhetoric that both chuds and liberals say. What you are saying is not only antisocialist, but also ahistorical and completely out of touch.
I tried to engage in conversation with you positively and you responded to me with, as you said, being a "debatebro". Debating is a waste of time and debatebros need to read theory, so here's a quote from Friedrich Engels saying that homelessness is caused by capitalism's reserve army of labor. Contrary to what you believe, the reserve army of labor does force some level of homelessness upon people. The part in bold explains that homelessness will not be solved unless the economy is changed.
Whence then comes the housing shortage? How did it arise? As a good bourgeois, Dr. Sax is not supposed to know that it is a necessary product of the bourgeois social order; that it cannot fail to be present in a society in which the great masses of the workers are exclusively dependent upon wages, that is to say, on the sum of foodstuffs necessary for their existence and for the propagation of their kind; in which improvements of the existing machinery continually throw masses of workers out of employment; in which violent and regularly recurring industrial vacillations determine on the one hand the existence of a large reserve army of unemployed workers, and on the other hand drive large masses of the workers temporarily unemployed onto the streets; in which the workers are crowded together in masses in the big towns, at a quicker rate than dwellings come into existence for them under existing conditions; in which, therefore, there must always be tenants even for the most infamous pigsties; and in which finally the house owner in his capacity as capitalist has not only the right, but, in view of the competition, to a certain extent also the duty of ruthlessly making as much out of his property in house rent as he possibly can. In such a society the housing shortage is no accident; it is a necessary institution and it can be abolished together with all its effects on health, etc., only if the whole social order from which it springs is fundamentally refashioned. That, however, bourgeois socialism dare not know. It dare not explain the housing shortage from the existing conditions. And therefore nothing remains for it but to explain the housing shortage by means of moral phrases as the result of the baseness of human beings, as the result of original sin, so to speak.
There's a lot of things wrong about your post. You're just repeating the same "socialism is when you don't have an iphone" rhetoric that both chuds and liberals say. What you are saying is not only antisocialist, but also ahistorical and completely out of touch.
I tried to engage in conversation with you positively and you responded to me with, as you said, being a "debatebro". Debating is a waste of time and debatebros need to read theory, so here's a quote from Friedrich Engels saying that homelessness is caused by capitalism's reserve army of labor. Contrary to what you believe, the reserve army of labor does force some level of homelessness upon people. The part in bold explains that homelessness will not be solved unless the economy is changed.