I'm really angry at all the centrists in my life. I need to rantttt.

  1. There is no natural reason for 'Truth' to always be found in the middle ground of two positions. Measles vaccines don't cause autism. Nazis committed genocide. Police brutality affects Black Americans disproportionately. Thesis Antithesis Synthesis is a structure for engaging with ideas, not one that states that the Synthesis is always an exact compromise between the two.

  2. Being at the centre is easily read as moral cowardice. If your beliefs are only informed by what other people believe, you're someone far outside the moral traditions people live by. Murder is immoral for us, regardless of what percentage of other people think so. We believe that we would not be Nazis in Nazi Germany, not be proud of the fact that we would.

  3. The past failures of broadly defined mainstream ideological groups (like liberal and conservative) are not a reason to assume that they will both be wrong because there are attribution errors. Are those instances related to the present? Are you accounting for the factions in these ideological groups, and which one committed those past failures?