They were left on the balcony with enough food and beer to get them through the day, but by late afternoon they were all naked (because their costumes were too hot), drunk, and screaming swear words at the crowd.
This essay is about The Lion King, but it also does a great job outlining the fascist undertones in Pinocchio
Pinocchio rescues his father (the Fatherland?) from a leviathan (the international Jewish banking system?)
Ngl that bit seems a little out of left field
Imagine if the Soviets had try to out Disney Disney.
What would a corpus of films from the Soviets with Disney production values look like today?
You know I heard that when they were filming Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the 1960s in Germany they had to import little people actors from turkey because all the little people in Germany had been killed in the holocaust
also Oompa Loompas were black pygmy slaves that Willie Wonka had bought. It was in the first draft of both the book and the movie.
The Grubstakers podcast is :haram: but I listened to their episode about Walt Disney. That man was an absolute Nazi-loving piece of shit.
Why is Grubstakers on the badlist? I listened to it for awhile and learned a lot about how utterly immoral and sickeningly vicious anyone who even begins to approach the realms of billions is.
Maybe "haram" is too strong. Podcast is fine other than some weird drama at the end of the podcast and now the former hosts don't talk to each other anymore. Really just I see on here that Sean McCarthy was bad but I never really investigated why.
Maybe “haram” is too strong.
Too strong? it doesn't seem like you have any criticism at all.
I knew a little person who worked in films in the 1990's and it was still bad then.
There is something about old grayscale photography that evokes real sense of unease for me. It's really not that creepy but it's also hella creepy.
I for one love it. Its the color photos that feels unreal for me.
You’re probably right, feel like I about a jump scare any second now…