Don't forget that libs are very wonky and like to read thick books and feel smart. This shit is like catnip to them.
I have a friend who, when we met, he had several Rush Limbaugh books. He ditched those quickly, but then kind of floated in liberal territory for awhile. I got him on Zinn, then Parenti, and now he's sending me shit on ending capitalism completely unprompted. Don't discount pipelining.
Haven’t read it - is it basically a retelling of everything Sakai shat all over for 180 pages in Settlers?
I'd say it's more evenhanded haha
It talks quite a bit about how racism was weaponized to split working class movements and doesn't shy away from the racist shit that unions got up to. Also begins with brutal depictions of colonization and follows native peoples' struggles up to the present day. Obviously Zinn is not a Maoist but I don't think it's the sort of vulgar workerist thing you're imagining.