I watched the movie, and in a vacuum, I can see where the more controversial scenes can be interpreted as lascivious. But in the context of the movie, it really didn't feel out of place at all. The scenes are intentionally awkward, and I think part of the film's message is to make you feel uncomfortable. It tackles several themes, actually, and has quite some depth. Really, the biggest complaint I have is the movie is rather boring.

I tried to watch some videos, but every single one is a reactionary take that uses a hammer when a chisel would be far more appropriate. Anyone come across any reviews or videos that take the issue rather seriously, but can also critique the film on its own merits?

  • MarxistHedonism [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I disagree.

    I watched the movie yesterday and I did find the close ups on just body parts where their faces weren’t even in frame to be excessive.

    I felt like the wide shots got the point across that the girls were trying to be sexy but they’re just children.

    The dance number on the steps was the part I found the most gratuitous and the final dance number was the other one I thought went too far.

    I think my issue is that there have been studies that show men view women as a collection of body parts while they view men as a whole. So when I see children shot the same way we shoot women, zoomed in on just a body part like a stomach or a butt, I know that people are viewing that part sexually and detached from it being a child.

    I get that she probably wanted to make the audience uncomfortable, but the result is still children’s bodies being objectified.

    Overall, I still think it’s a decent movie, but I do wish the dances were filmed a little differently.