Not sure why I got banned in the first place, but I think it was from linking to an episode of The Dollop. IIRC I got banned from /r/communism101 for saying something slightly positive about Gorbachev (sure, go ahead a call me a lib -- it was like 3 years ago). Either way it seems that the mods think that communism began and ended with Lenin.

I was going to keep poking them but Matt said something on his cushvlog about how trolling isn't praxis and I felt called out

  • NonWonderDog [he/him]
    4 years ago

    If I wanted to start a struggle session I might go further and say calling yourself any deadguy-ist is just a lie. You’re not the follower of some dead guy. You’re not hanging off the guy’s words, because he’s dead. You’re not going to join the dead guy’s army and fight for him, because he’s not going to call for you to do it, because he’s dead. You’re not going to follow him to the grave, since he’s already there and he’s not leading anybody.

    If you’re a "Leninist," that either means you’re a follower of other, living, people calling themselves Leninists, or you’re an egoist who wants to lead those people by quoting Lenin at them. And if the extent of all this is just Reddit, you’re not even "part of a Leninist organization." You’re just some weirdo.

    Possible grandfather clause for "Marxist." Maybe not.

    • RedDawn [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Marxism-Leninism is a school of thought based on the works of Marx and Lenin, it incorporates ideas that they were the first to articulate, so it’s named after them. I really don’t understand the problem there.