When asked: Would you have said the same thing during the civil rights movement?

He replied: "What a ridiculous and self-serving oversimplification to imply the civil rights movement was successful because people stood in the street. It's very simple, just get out of the road"

Here's the link to the video clips.

He also said this:

"What gives you the unique moral authority to break the law because of what you believe in?... It's narcissistic and entitled. That's insane. It's like these people think the world revolved around their issue..."

The pic is just a pic I found of him.

Edit: Also, if people think he doesn't matter, he's literally more popular than Hasan, especially when it comes to gaming shit.

      • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
        5 months ago

        Yeah he eats steak or mcdonals every meal and hasn't ever tried like 95% of fruits. He grew up in poverty and his parents passed away, its sad to witness honestly and sad that its played off as a joke that he's disgusting and lives in squalor. He's extremely rich now and could afford maids or a new place easily but it's part of his brand to be a removed gamer. I think some mental illness is at play here for the continued life in squalor and only eating 1 unhealthy thing when he's a multi-millionaire.

        • CTHlurker [he/him]
          5 months ago

          Did his mother die? Last time I watched him he had apparently bought his childhood home from his mother, since she couldn't afford to keep it after his dad passed away. In general all of his life-stories are horribly depressing and sad, which is why he makes sure to tell them with a certain tone/persona.

          • charlie
            5 months ago

            In general all of his life-stories are horribly depressing and sad, which is why he makes sure to tell them with a certain tone/persona.

            Same with Boogie2988, part of the brand

            • CTHlurker [he/him]
              5 months ago

              Sure, but that doesn't mean that all of the stories are made up / fake. it just means he found a way to monetize them, which while not exactly kosher in my book, isn't something I can blame people for if they grow up in poverty in Texas.

        • TraschcanOfIdeology [they/them, comrade/them]
          5 months ago

          I can't help but feel for this guy, because I've fallen into the same squalor vicious cycle when I've had really bad depressive episodes, I'm coming out of one right now (I hope). That being said, as depressed as I've been, I have never turned off my empathy or good sense, so fuck him.

        • Sons_of_Ferrix
          5 months ago

          How is he so skinny when he drinks that much soda and hostess cakes what-the-hell

          • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
            5 months ago

            Calories in, calories out. The soda, cake and fast food along with some steaks is all that he eats, he doesn't eat anything else. Without eating any actual meals, it's hard to get enough calories in to maintain or even gain weight.

            • Sons_of_Ferrix
              5 months ago

              I thought constantly snacking on high calorie foods was actually worse for you than eating full meals?

              • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
                5 months ago

                Yes it's much worse for your health, but at the end of the day if you eat 2500 calories of junk food, and your daily maintenance is 2500 calories, you will not gain weight, your weight will stay the same. Though as I said there are serious health concerns, some people in the comments are saying that this guy has scurvy.

                • Sons_of_Ferrix
                  5 months ago

                  Okay, I guess I feel like it'd be pretty easy to get above you maintenance weight eating such carb dense food all the time, especially if you just game all day.

                  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
                    5 months ago

                    For a lot people it is easy to get above maintenance while eating junk food, as junk food is not satiating, but clearly not for him if he's skinny. I also used to be underweight while eating pure junk, because it was all I ate.

                    Also, a gram of carbohydrate has 4 calories. A gram of protein has 4 calories. A gram of fat has 9 calories. So the most calorie dense foods are fats, like oils, butter, and nut butters. But it's hard for most people to eat a lot of fats, and very easy to eat a lot of refined carbohydrates. Because of satiation again.

              • Infamousblt [any]
                5 months ago

                It is worse for you. Being skinny does not automatically equate to being healthy.

              • LanyrdSkynrd [he/him]
                5 months ago

                I was friends with a guy that had a really bad addiction to WoW and later similar games and ate only fastfood and snack cakes. He got frighteningly skinny after a few years. He was so locked into the grind that he wouldn't eat because that would involve logging off for long enough to go buy food.

                He would game non-stop all night only coming out of his room to use the bathroom. His sleep schedule would revolve around server downtimes and zone resets. It was really sad, the last time I saw him he was working at a supermarket and looked so scrawny, pale and unhealthy.

    • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
      5 months ago

      wiping blood on your walls is pretty sanitary compared to using the smell of a rotting rat carcass baking in the morning sun as an alarm clock