Like if you're a Brit or an Aussie, you have very good reasons to hate your own country. But, well, we don't say "death to America" for no reason either. This obviously isn't an issue for us Americans here, but I'm curious how you all see it.
Of course, the obligatory :amerikkka:
As an american, I actually hate England more. My ancestors' langauges were wiped out by them, it's personal.
The US has the CIA, did the arms proliferation that caused the cold war, and did so much in South America, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. I hate America so much it's unreal. Homelessness is a choice. Hunger is a choice. Israel is not a legitimate state.
What about five eyes? You going to tell me the global north isn't complicit?
I just hate America more. It wasn't an either/or question
Homelessness is a choice. Hunger is a choice.
I think they mean in the sense of "we could legislate free food and housing today, but don't"
America hoards so much of the world's wealth but still has homeless and hungry people in it's own borders. The money is spent on hyperloops instead of addressing this at home and abroad by choice.
As much as i hate :kkkanada: i think i still have enough brainworms to hate :amerikkka: more
Ok let's be honest here how different are Canada and the US internally especially in the midwest. Alberta and Montana may as well be one province/state
I get where you're coming from but the biggest city in Montana has like 100,000 people and it's 90% white whereas Alberta has two cities of more than 1 million, around 60% white and like a third of the people in each weren't born in Canada. I don't think you can really flatten them down like that unless you're just looking at rural culture.
You're right, realistically Alberta is culturally closer to Michigan or Minnesota, but geographically closer to Montana.
I the US collapsed, Canada would follow shortly after, I feel. So same here. US must go.
I'm with you on this, and also the other poster who pointed out that if the USA collapses then Canada will collapse too so we get a 2 for 1. I personally still see a path for improvement for Canada (for now) that I absolutely don't see for the USA, but we're so reliant on and so heavily influenced by the USA culturally that I completely understand that people see us as the same.
Although Canada still trades with Cuba, so we have that going for us.
Honestly a really good question. I kinda think of the former Eastern Bloc states that got hooked into the orbit of the EU in the early 90s like Czechia, Estonia, Slovenia etc to be in a kind of twilight world between core and periphery.
feels kinda like a weird sort of colonialism where they incentivize you to leave the country and then they send in their dudes to grab the raw resources when no one is working there, creating a loyal supply network
kinda whats going on in a lot of regions, ukraine included
the EU just keeps pushing that twilight zone outwards over and over again to constantly grow the reserve army of exploitable labor and pit the states of its periphery and its workers against each other. they wanted Ukraine and Georgia to be next, but now with the war they're accelerating that Balkan countries can join instead. i'd say these nations have an intermediate and distinct position, being neither fully global north nor fully global south, and that this intermediate position plays an important role both in the economic dominance of the core EU countries like Germany and France and in the geopolitics of the US.
now that i think about it, places like ROK and Taiwan started out similarly. it's entirely possible that Poland becomes something like Europe's Republic of Korea in the next decades, being heralded as an example of economic development while having some of the most atrocious working conditions in the global north.
Britain is obviously very evil but its modern incarnation is fundamentally underwritten by the American Empire.
Also I refuse to concede that our food is the worst to the inventors of spray-on cheese.
Also I refuse to concede that our food is the worst to the inventors of spray-on cheese
I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this but it absolutely is worse :bawllin-sad:
The only positive contribution settler America has made to food culture is barbeque
and :im-vegan:
Ireland can be cool and has a lot of redeeming features. America is the worst ever of all time in the world and I hate it
Yes, Ireland - though not without flaws of course - is in a class by itself among the Global North.
As much as Germany needs to die, death to amerika will always be a bigger priority. it's a simple question of scale, nobody else can and does harm the world that much.
a*stralia is an awful place in many many respects, but it just absolutely cannot compete with the great satan itself
Denmark is a horribly racist and nauseatingly self-fellating country that likes to think that it is paradise on earth and that the rest of the world ought to want to be like us but it doesn't have the material ability to do as much harm as the Great Satan so of course I hate the US more.
Ugh I'm a little embarrassed to admit I once read The Danish Way of Parenting. As if the Danes have the market cornered on good parenting.
(Though I'm even further embarrassed to admit I thought it actually had some good points)
you send the uninheriting youth on a longboat for 4 years and hope they come back with booty and slaves or settle somewhere else :stonks-up:
I don't remember most of it, mostly just an American lib thinking anything Nordic = better. The one part that I did remember and thought was useful - and I doubt this is just a "Danish" thing but idk - is to try and raise kids to understand the whole spectrum of emotions is good and healthy. Like you don't have to try and be "happy" or entertained all the time. Sadness, anger, melancholy, those are all ok too. That is something I do feel American kids are bombarded with at a young age.
I'm going to have to say I hate the US more than I hate Canada, with the following caveat: I have no way of proving this but I suspect that if Canada's military and economy were the size of the US's we'd be a much bigger blight on the world than the US is.
Canada has its PR much more on lock than the US imo, which makes it easier to deny or outright ignore our atrocities. If Canada and the US were reversed I feel confident in saying it'd be a much worse timeline