Kinda related:
Turns out "I don't like pitbulls and those kind of dogs" is a dogwhistle in yankland. Fucking everything is a dogwhistle, even the word "boy" turns out to be a dogwhistle too. Fuck dammit stop being so fucking racist.
Turns out “I don’t like pitbulls and those kind of dogs” is a dogwhistle in yankland.
Neo-nazi skinheads LOVE pitbulls and have been using them as a mascot of sorts for decades. Though the type of people who are racist but would be horrified to be referred as such would use that as a dogwhistle.
yeah its a lib thing to not like pitbulls bc they associate them with """crime"""
Nah, people associate them with ripping apart other dogs and children. It's not racist
It depends on the context if it's racist or not. They get associated with minorities and attacking white children(and a strange notion about impregnating white women), so some people do use them as shorthand for black people or other ethnic minorities. Compare this to how someone saying they don't like city life or modern music can also be a dog whistle or just a normal statement depending on who's saying it when.
Okay, now you'll have to tell us the connection between those two things involving dogs
Attacking the children, impregnating the woman, being subhuman and disobedient unlike better breeds, are they talking about pit bulls do you think?
I don't think dogfucking is connected to the general case, that's specifically an incel thing, and hating on pit bulls (with undertones of racism) is a more general thing.
it's associated with the urban underclass, which is implicitly black in America.
I wouldn't say it's so much that pitbulls are associated with black people as it is that talking about the breed being inherently violent is often associated with thinking that certain types of people are inherently violent.
I've known pits (might have be a pit mix) that are some of the sweetest dogs I've ever met, and they didn't have any specialized training, just a loving home and room to run around. And I really doubt that putting a dog through a training course would prevent a redneck methhead from making them aggressive.
But what happens when they just buy a dog that passed the test and then bring them home and treat them like shit? Are you gonna make people bring their dogs in every year and take them away if they ever fail?
It's a bit of both. Which is the basis for that incredibly racist rockthrow comic.
Gonna keep it real with you chief, Germans oppressing other Germans due to religion isn't racism.
I was thinking about all the calvinism spin-offs cults that are 100% "(white) yanks uber alles". Completely demonic shit adorned with christian symbols.
There's a ton of racism mixed with religion, to be sure, but even taking out the racist elements American religion is just baffling. Just weird and unpleasant.
Weird I was looking this dog up like yesterday. Were you also reading a customs restrictions form for pets lol
One time I saw a pit bull soyjak pointing at a toddler, instantly clocked it as racist. Looked a little insane to people that didn't know the subtext.
Yeah it's so lovely to be the seemingly fucking insane person that sees dogwhistles and :zizek: fucking everywhere and can't help but point it out like a maniac
"The fuck are you talking about?, it's just a funny incoherent movie"
I like being called racist or genocidal for questioning the Ukraine and Xinjiang narrative but also insane for catching dog whistles in memes.
i've seen as many sweetheart, big baby pitties as not. nuture is king. i wouldn't get one because cops shoot them basically on sight and pretty much any dog weighing more than 10 lbs. "Cops Shot My Dog" is my personal hell / unwinnable event flag.
a lot of people have no idea how to dog. most people can't identify associated traits, let alone breeds or mixes, which is why breed bans are basically a cock up that allows authorities to take away and even kill a perfectly well behaved pet from a broke family because it looks "scary" to some karen. i saw some white idiot claim a goofy and chubby black lab was a pitbull.
anyway, i think all purebreds are weird af and have yet to see a boxer that didn't come across like a total doofus. admittedly, the underbite does 90% of the work, but i've not seen much cleverness in that remaining 10%. i like pariah-looking dogs. not for the city or the suburbs, but for somewhere they can have the run of the place. little jackal looking MFs that are too clever by half and seeing all the angles.