For comrades wanting to protest the war in Ukraine without fear of supporting fascists and reactionaries, there will be a rally on March 18.

EDIT: link

  • Commander_Data [she/her]
    2 years ago

    It's so funny to me that the sex criminal LaRoucheites (CPUSA) and the non sex criminal LaRouchites (PCUSA) are both accusing each other of being FBI informants.

    I would simply not be a LaRoucheite

    • Nyarlathotep7 [they/them,comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      holy shit stop shitting on communist orgs when it's vague bullshit like this. Yeah both orgs have their problems, sure as hell isn't a LaRoucheite problem.

      • Commander_Data [she/her]
        2 years ago

        It's not vague, there are credible SA allegations against a CPUSA member. It's also true that both orgs are accusing each other of informing to the FBI. They're both radioactive as hell.

        • Nyarlathotep7 [they/them,comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          Against one CPUSA member? I wouldn't mind reading more about this if you have more info. The Canada party had a similar issue and defended said offender, was fucked up to say the least. Whoever did so should be purged obv. Now how does that mean the party is a LaRouchite party? Both orgs are comprised of a lot of people, an org which barely practices dem cent, in no official capacity have I seen the CPUSA in recent years accuse PCUSA of being informants. Hell the party rarely talks about that (can not speak for individual chapters). They HAVE accused PCUSA of other things, just idealogical clashes usually as well for their affiliation with the patsocs(?) don't remember tbh

          • Commander_Data [she/her]
            2 years ago

            An entire page of PCUSA/CPUSA shit flinging


            • Nyarlathotep7 [they/them,comrade/them]
              2 years ago

              so I read through that entire thing, where is the CPUSA? This seems entirely isolated to PCUSA and ASB, as someone who is not a member of those orgs, I can only defend the org in which I am a part of, the CPUSA. Really fucked up shit in there and very disheartening to read. I know last year the party had some info leaks due to infiltrating patsocs (who are just feds or useful idiots), some of their tactics like posting meeting info on 4chan is very similar. Except this doesn't relate to these parties being LaRouchite orgs, especially when there are amazing comrades in both orgs, trying to do good work.

              • Commander_Data [she/her]
                2 years ago

                By your own admission your org has been infiltrated since its inception.

                An org that is currently platforming known reactionaries in Carlson/Gabbard/Hinkle.

                An org which includes in its 8 principles of "unity" what amounts to an enemies list that lumps Maoists, Trots and anarchists in with petty bourgeois and capitalists.

                • Nyarlathotep7 [they/them,comrade/them]
                  2 years ago

                  CPUSA is literally the oldest and largest US communist org, of course it's been infiltrated. Every org worth their salt will and has been infiltrated, we have to prepare for such things and work on vetting as well as learn from the past with things such as COINTELPRO and what feds did to the older CPUSA. We have purged before and shall continue to do so, being a communist is dangerous work but that should not paralyze us from action or leaveus waiting for the "perfect" org to come around. Actively comrades seek to change and make this org better while doing mass work.

                  The CPUSA is not platforming any of those people and is much more likely to be platforming socdems like AOC or libs once election comes around. An issue we need to rectify. I think you might be conflating us with PCUSA(?) though I saw a comrade here from the org who could probably explain that.

                  Yes, they do indeed have that, now as someone who leans toward maoism I don't like this. I have spoken up about this as have others, it's something that we hope to change. Though it should be clarified, the same comrades who have made this a thing, work with these orgs/comrades on the ground if need be. Every chapter has their own experiences with local maoists and trots, some better or worse than others.

    • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
      2 years ago

      I'm not CPUSA either, they're even more infiltrated than the PCUSA is. Both those parties are filled with stuffy old boomers and feds, and are essentially decrepit and defunct today.

      • Commander_Data [she/her]
        2 years ago

        I wasn't trying to imply that you were, but I understand how yiu could take it that way. Sorry.