not sure if this has been posted here before, but it's not new. i felt like this was a pretty solid summary of the devolving situation in eastern europe. i think it lands where a lot of us are, which is that the working people of ukraine are suffering due to the profitable war mongering of capitalist powers (but also, the ukrainian state genuinely has a nazi problem, not that russia's invasion had anything to do with that really).

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Form them in to a light infantry unit and make them lead assaults until they’re annihilated.

    I don't think this is as good an idea as you think it is. You're essentially creating thousands upon thousands of martyrs, viewed as heroes, and creating propaganda that permeates society for every single death. Killing off a generation does not end an organisation if the organisation continues to exist, it simply continues into the next.

    You are not thinking of the effect all of this will have upon the next generations, filled with fascist propaganda and images of their national heroes from the heroic and most patriotic of units. You need to abolish this regiment and then utterly denounce it, slanderise it, run its name through the mud, propagandise it to such an extent that even seeing any of its symbols is stomach churning for the population. You must in essence ensure that the line of succession through the generations is snipped.

    It is not in fact necessary to kill all existing members. You simply need 2 conditions:

    1. Activities to cease - this could be killing them, but it could also just be terrorising them into stopping or fatigueing them into giving up like european communists in the post-soviet collapse.

    2. Generational succession to stop - propaganda and terror work well for this but must be at an absolutely monumental scale of implementation.