My favorite from the replies:
"very funny that you've formatted this like "Mr Marx, sir, you have simply" because it just really drives home that you're losing an argument with someone who can't respond because he's dead for about 140 years"
As if Marx wasn't living through and writing about the industrial revolution
The first one is an absolute tell that this guy just pulled quotes and didn't read anything.
Not even kulaks as much as it's freaks and idiots who have managed to propagandize themselves into believing that they are kulaks. They don't actually have any capital, and the banks can and will take the asset away at the first sign of trouble, but they don't ever think of themselves as vulnerable.
Ironic that the nations with the highest rates of home ownership all have (or had within living memory) a communist party in charge.
looks like very entry level "basic economics" crap of a first year uni student who thinks they are a lot smarter than they actually are
edit: turns out they are an actual adult with a full university education, that's just sad tbh
The tone of the writing is bizarre. Snide quote tweeting a 19th century text
In a totally automated system there wouldn't even be labor
gorsh, if only he considered automation
as someone-who-has-only-read-a-bit-of-marx myself, I think I can correctly identify this person as someone-who-has-only-read-a-bit-of-marx, only their bit is less than my bit
I gnashed my teeth when I heard that. Marx predicted automation about as well as anyone could have in the 19th century. :agony-consuming:
He has this paper i cant rember the namesorry. where he for the sake of argument imagines a machine that can produce other machines, and basicly the idea was if a machine does labor that makes more machines does the products the machine makes contain any value? In other words if you make a copy of a mp3 on a computer does the copy contain the same value as the original. Then he goes on to say essentially over time automated good approach near zero cost assuming the machine that produces machines can make more of its self and collect the resources.
Im butching it but yeah marx swear that man had a fuckin orb 🔮 basicly dunking on Twitter loser from 140 years ago. Even if marx is wrong on some parts the falling rate of profit is still a smoking gun, and even of that isn't enough people like Micheal Robert's, and michel hudson have done more then enough to Euclidate how much more useful LTV is in providing accurate Marco scale prediction and understanding then anything you can study at school these days. So yeah friedman losers can mald all day.
who organizes their thoughts like this. multiple columns of replies to the leftmost column? am i misunderstanding? who tf does that
I hope he is getting torn apart but I'm not going to subject myself to the replies
"I have often remarked on the fact that an “anti-Marxist” argument is only the apparent rejuvenation of a pre-Marxist idea. A so-called “going beyond” Marxism will be at worst only a return to pre-Marxism; at best, only the rediscovery of a thought already contained in the philosophy which one believes he has gone beyond."