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  • hotcouchguy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Just to make sure: this really is the terminal decline of the US empire, right? This seems so obvious, but it's always right below the surface of discussion, never really analysed.

    Everything seems to be pointing in that direction, but everything is also so fucked that it's hard to tell exactly what is objectively happening and how much is just emotional impressions reinforced by internet and media noise.

    • lakeradio [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It's the end but we don't know if it's the beginning of the end, the middle of the end, or the end of the end. The end could have began on 9/11, the Iraq War, Vietnam, Reagan, the solidifying of neoliberal hegemony (taking a big swing with that word, not sure if I'm using it correctly), or things will continue to decline for 30 more years.

      Rome didn't fall in a day!

    • emizeko [they/them]
      4 years ago

      the real inflection point, I think, is going to be when the US dollar loses global reserve status

    • Owl [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Other than failing to get new imperial projects underway for the last few years because Trump has the attention span of a flea, I don't see much going poorly for the empire. Any hawkish president could catch it up over the course of their term. I don't see it encountering any real opposition until China's international infrastructure projects get much further along.

      But on the home front, the US's ability to continue functioning as a state is in decline. Which is even more exciting.

    • Blottergrass [he/him]
      4 years ago

      imo the imperialism of the US will be the most unharmed from all this. Would not be surprised at all if the ruling class just says "fuck it" and goes to war next year because its "good for the economy" (it isnt).