Some members of the group are taking ivermectin not only as a treatment against COVID, but as a cure-all for almost every disease—from cancer and depression, to autism and ovarian cysts—believing that every disease is caused by a parasite that is removed from the body by ivermectin, just as animals are given the drug to treat parasitic worms like tapeworm.

Lemoi also formulated an ivermectin regimen for children, and numerous members of the group reported that they were using it. This week alone one member wrote that she had established another group for “parents of children on the spectrum, cerebral palsy, pans/panda, downs etc.,” who are using the Lemoi’s recommended children’s dosage.


  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    2 年前

    DAE remember a time where you thought forcing people into reeducation camps would be wrong, somehow?

    • supafuzz [comrade/them]
      2 年前

      I definitely used to think Chinese censorship of social media was bad :freeze-peach: what a rube I was, what a buffoon

    • Marxist_Lentilism [he/him]
      2 年前

      My partner has a family member who fits the stereotype of the histrionic, thumb-shaped, middle-aged suburban psycho to a T. I've recently been able to make progress with him with getting him to challenge some of his reactionary views.

      The secret to getting him to open his mind to new ideas? Literally just showing him cool elementary school science shit. Motherfucker didn't know you could make sugar crystals in a jar. He didn't know that baking soda was the opposite of acidic. The dude sent me a video the other day about plate tectonics and Pangea. He's no longer a young earth creationist. Now he thinks dinosaurs are tight.

      He's a pretty sharp dude, too. He's just stuck in a mindset where it's good to know about your job and it's bad to be curious about anything else. It's important to remember how much emphasis every communist revolution has put on literacy programs and how much our enemies want to keep people in the dark.