Hope it was a great week everyone. Hopefully this one is even better. cat-trans

  • Bat [she/her]
    4 months ago
    brainwormed language

    lol i joined a discord server for /tttt/ brainwormed trans people and they have a selfie channel and despite everyone complaining about being hons everyone who’s posted is a bdd passoid, i’m starting to think i’m the only actual hon there. i’ve not posted a pic though cause i don’t fully trust 4chan people with my face but i am kind of curious what advice they’d give me

    anyway i’m actually feeling pretty good for once recently despite that, i might be hanging out with a friend soon so i really hope that pans out

      • Bat [she/her]
        4 months ago

        yeah i'm not going to post a pic

    • pyx [she/her]
      4 months ago

      despite everyone complaining about being hons everyone who's posted is a bdd passoid

      many such cases!

    • Yor [she/her]
      4 months ago

      I think so many people that fall into the tttt brainworms are often much closer to where they want to be than they realize (or at least have the potential to get there)