Sexual harassment, requests to wear a bikini, being asked to lure other backpackers into exploitative schemes, and an hourly wage of just $2.50 — these are the stories of backpackers working under the Federal Government's visa scheme.
The ABC can reveal, however, that the department can refuse to grant visas to backpackers who do their 88 days of farm work but are underpaid by their boss.
“This requirement was introduced in 2015 to discourage working holiday-makers from accepting exploitative conditions for the purpose of becoming eligible for a subsequent visa,” a spokesperson said.
From the article:
The ABC can reveal, however, that the department can refuse to grant visas to backpackers who do their 88 days of farm work but are underpaid by their boss.
“This requirement was introduced in 2015 to discourage working holiday-makers from accepting exploitative conditions for the purpose of becoming eligible for a subsequent visa,” a spokesperson said.
Excuse me, what the fuck?
indIviDuaL ResPoNsIbiLIty..
Amazing galaxy brain solution to that problem: "should we prosecute abusive employers? no! it's the workers who are wrong!"