Holy shit, just :reddit-logo: moment after :reddit-logo: moment

  • Soot [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    "there is plenty of history that doesnt involve white people that we have recorded as well we honestly probably know more about their history than they do"

    This is a scary place that epitomizes every awful stereotype.

    • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Jesus Christ, even as an archaeology major, this was maybe true for the top academics in their field from like 1930-1970, but only in ancient history, never experts in contemporary or recent history and culture. These days, the majority of top academic experts in their respective fields are indigenous. That being said, that does occasionally lead to bad interpretations of data in areas attempting to establish national ethnicity (a great example of this is in Bulgarian, where digs have been known to be routinely fudged to establish earlier and earlier Bulgar occupation even though no one in academia outside of Bulgaria agrees with that interpretation), but regardless, I guarantee you that the average native knows more about their local history than your average randomly sampled whitey.

      • Soot [none/use name]
        1 year ago

        On an individual level I'm sure top academic historians know more history than the average joe. But this guy is arguing that white people as a whole know more about Africa (because they wrote some stuff!) than they do.

        • huf [he/him]
          1 year ago

          they really think that 1) everyone in africa lives in mud huts and 2) people living in mud huts have no brains inside their skulls. just none.


          • SaniFlush [any, any]
            1 year ago

            If we’re not self-critical and we’re unwilling to let others sanity-check us, we could end up bigoted too. It requires vigilance.

          • Gelamzer
            9 months ago

            deleted by creator

            • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
              1 year ago

              Or they just make shit up from whole cloth and populate it with... oh now wait. Even Wakanda still had spearmen. Incredible.

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      1 year ago

      "Oh, you say we're racist? Well, I'll show you just how racist we can be!"

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        1 year ago

        I mean, you've got a group of people that have been absolutely drowning in western fascist propaganda for their entire lives. I doubt they even consider parroting The White Man's Burden as racist, because they cannot comprehend an alternative. And, in fairness, its easy to simply not believe the degree to which native histories were systematically obliterated from local records because of how unconscionable it sounds.

        What kind of country would rip children away from their parents, brutally abuse them for using their native tongues, and then indoctrinate them in the most foul forms of settler-colonial bigotries before dumping them back onto their reservations at their majority and telling them to go to war with their elders if they want to fix things? What kind of political leadership would actively seek out and destroy valuable historical artifacts in order to deny local people a collective history and scatter them to prison camps in the desert in order to deny any historical claim to real estate?

        It can't just be that western settlers dumped bleach across half the continent in order to obliterate all evidence of a prior civilization, can it? No, no, no. This must have been the consequence of locals lacking more than the most primitive forms of historical record keeping. They were just too dumb to memorialize their past. White people had to come in and teach them how to do it.

        That's why we're here and they're not. We were big and they were small. We were smart and they were dumb. We were civilized and they were animals. And now that we've fixed them, they should thank us for showing up when we did.

        • BeamBrain [he/him]
          1 year ago

          What kind of country would rip children away from their parents, brutally abuse them for using their native tongues, and then indoctrinate them in the most foul forms of settler-colonial bigotries before dumping them back onto their reservations at their majority and telling them to go to war with their elders if they want to fix things? What kind of political leadership would actively seek out and destroy valuable historical artifacts in order to deny local people a collective history and scatter them to prison camps in the desert in order to deny any historical claim to real estate?

          Actually I have a feeling that most of these people are not only aware of this but think it was a good thing

          • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
            1 year ago

            When we do it, we apply so many euphemisms that it becomes an entirely different animal.

  • Barabas [he/him]
    1 year ago

    "Im fact, you don't know anything, about anyplace untill the white man gets there"

    This is all I needed to hear to discard the opinions in this video. It's not in fact at all, and is an incredibly ignorant opinion.

    She also seems to ignore or maybe she doesn't believe it, that Muslims colonized Africa well before the white man.

    I know she isn't being literal, but she seems to just want to ignore the other half of the old world that isn't white people.

    This might be the new world champion of missing the fucking point. There are far worse posts in there, but this is just mind numbingly dense.

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Muslims colonized Africa well before the white man.

      Muslims converted a ton of Africans to their religion, and a small number of them migrated to the continent. This is very, very different from colonization.

  • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
    1 year ago

    "well excuse me ni- uh i mean, lady, have you considered that history existed in places before the white man came too! Hah, owned by facts and logic."

    that fucking shithole is beyond parody

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The first comment naively tries to inject some context, but damn the second comment goes straight to outdated chauvinist bullshit. Mainstream history academia in the last fifty years has been all about trying to rediscover the usefulness and accuracy of oral histories, because it turns out not nearly as much gets lost as the white explorer with a gun assumed got lost.

    Plus, like half the history we have before the advent of mass literacy was essentially oral history. You think fucking Tacitus personally witnessed any of the things he wrote about?

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      1 year ago

      Well, everyone knows you can't put politics in /r/interestingasfuck, which is why we had to make the very apolitical decision to remove it.

  • NotErisma
    9 months ago

    deleted by creator