My two cents on how to achieve left unity:

Anarchists: Stop using the word tankie. It pushes your fellow leftists away and pisses them off. Instead make specific criticisms of communist countries. ESPECIALLY stop calling MLs “red fash”. There is already enough misinformation going around about fascism.

Marxist-Leninists: Embrace critical support. Be willing to criticize and accept criticism of nations like China, the Soviet Union, and especially North Korea. Remember that being against US imperialism is not the only thing that makes a country good.

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Don't call people social fascists. It's as dumb as calling an ML a red fascist.

    • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      The ML understanding of fascism is not that "evil fascism" comes out of nowhere

      But is a twin pillar to Social Democracy with fascism being an option and the fighting arm of the booj

      Whats more Social Democratic nations will inevitably pull out this "option" during capitalist crisis

      SocDems were as good as running the empire as conservatives ever were (British or American empire)

      Whats more it is SuccDems that export fascism (through violent coups/wars/bombings and subjugation) in the 3rd world. But these fascist tactics always come back home - which is why you see US police become more and more militarised

      A Bernie bro crowing about healthcare whilst the imperialist war machine carves up the third world is a social fascist

      Bernie himself voted to destroy Yugoslavia with round the clock 78 day bombing campaign...a socialist country

      He is a social fascist

      Now i deliberately limit useage of this phrase for the same reason the comintern did in the 30s... Because its inflammatory, provocative and divisive and the USSR was hoping for an alliance with the SuccDems against Hitlerite fascism

      But the SuccDems proved the communists correct on that phenomena then aand since the 1930s we have almost a century of well documented phenomena of Social-fascism - social democracy being a key pillar of capitalist society that defers to fascism whenever it feels capitalism is under threat