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I wonder if national anarchists and nazbols have cursed struggle sessions with eachother
i was trying to fit that joke into a title but i didn't want to speak it into existence
Wait wait, you know how a lot of the ML/Anarchist antipathy is dumbasses relitigating shit from 100 years ago because the left eventually lost and we need to blame each other?
What if we all set a goal of getting to watch national anarchist/nazbol struggle sessions in 100 years because the right lost and they need to blame each other?
Basically what happened in the leadup to the Spanish Civil War before Franco stepped in with proper Fash and Dommed them.
I'm instantly sceptical of anything that has 'national' in the title. Talk about co-opting leftist ideas and language though. Damn.
Yeah, this is why I said sceptical, not immediately against it. There are uses when 'patriotism' or national identity are powerful and necessary, but keep a very close eye on where this talk is coming from and what ends it is proposing.
lmao that's fucking awesome, you're telling me there's people stupid enough to fall for this?
Always nice to have white supremacists lumped together with actual anarchists, and then have both anarchists and liberals be called "the left"
Love to see the hysteria around this kind of shit; pleading with people not to fall for it, as if any anarchist or communist whatsoever would.
Hell, even if you weren't far left, the 'national-' prefix is a hell of an indicatorSounds like Krondast-yites and all those weird eastern european variants of what i call "pogrom-anarchism"
Anarcho-fascism. Haha.
They're going to open up an anarchist to fascist pipeline based on anti-ML reactionary behaviour and I definitely think it will work with at least some extremely online anarchists whose whole identity is basically nothing but "fuck tankies" and little to no actual praxis. Not sure they'll actually make useful members of their movement though, perhaps online signal boosting but they do little else.
people like that are politically impotent so who cares what they think outside of electoralism (im an anarchist)
I agree. But I do think that the online space is a battleground for the spread of ideology right now and the number of signal boosters and bodies you have taking part in that battle definitely contributes to the spread.
I think they suppress the activity of people genuinely and earnestly trying to do good online and that's a problem. This is why we need left unity.
i guess but its so esoteric that nobody will actually care what they have to say, actually wielding power requires your average person to have any idea about it or care for it.
Oh, they're older than that, these guys fall right out of Italian 1910s National-Syndicalism, the Circle Proudhon, and the "left" wing of Franco's Falange.