:melon-musk: heartbroken that a white supremacist wasn't using his platform.
"Like, what am I even doing this for?
Musk unveils a new feature for mass shooter profiles, next to their blue check is a tally of how many children they killed.
Me, when people I don't like do something bad: 'this is clear evidence, that they are evil, and my ideology is correct.'
Me, when people I like do something bad: 'it obviously was just a conspiracy by the people I don't like. this is clear evidence, that they are evil, and my ideology is correct.'
:ancap-good: :melon-musk:
to be fair "If he was an insane nazi why didn't he have a twitter account" does show that Twitter is popular among it's target demographic
I guess :melon-musk:'s gone full mask off and signal boosting fucking Ian Miles Cheong with his dull-ass replies.
Yeah he's been out and out boosting fascists for most of this year
Billions of dollars haven't helped to fill in the hole in his life, but perhaps, what about billions of likes? Yes! Surely that must be what's missing!
I'm sure the likes he does get will fill him with confidence and happy contentment just like the last couple of million likes and his army of fanboys who will defend anything he does did.
Right wingers: "Why yes, I am skeptical of everything. That makes me smart. The deep Soros lizard baby eating jews are out to get us."
Also right wingers: "I see no problem with big tech billionaires buying up platforms . They're clearly on our side."
I love how Elon, in every circumstance, always has something to say of absolutely zero substance
Avid twitter users are terminally unable to imagine someone not being an avid twitter user.
still think it was a Chinese weather balloon? check mate, deep state. also, who shit my pants?
"The price of clean underwear is eternal vigilance."
Why do they have to put so much effort into denying right wing mass shootings?
This HAS to mean they feel guilty, right? Or is there some more depraved mentality at work here?
I don't think it's guilt or anything subconscious. I think it's a deliberate strategy they are employing. Left-wing adventurism gets immediately condemned, right-wing adventurism turns into a big debate about whether they were actually right-wing or whether they actually did the adventurism of whatever. It's meant to make them look less violent and their opponents look more violent even when they're a thousand times more violent than their opponents.
I think they realize that if more people notice this trend, the less effective "muh 13/50" will be (don't ask them why cops have an even higher violent crime rate and a much lower exoneration rate.) That, or they will start getting compared to the "radical Islam" that they tried to scare people with.
Elon Musk has become a failed experiment from someone wanting to combine Howard Hughes and Henry Ford into a single person. What they ended up with was someone with all the ego and fascist rhetoric of the two while lacking all of the natural talent.
The Christchurch shooter made a lot of ironic and contradictory references to confuse/troll people.