• Robert_Kennedy_Jr [xe/xem, xey/xem]
    3 个月前

    Biden is building the wall, signing an executive order that will limit asylum seekers, never stopped keeping children in cages, let Covid era protections that reduced child poverty lapse, oversaw close to a million Americans dying from a highly contagious disease and countless others having long term health problems because "We're going to fight the virus, not the economy", has ordered the bombing of one of the poorest countries in the world because they've dared to oppose a genocide, is ratcheting up tariffs of cheap green technologies because it's eating into U.S. market share while the planet begins to roast, and still owes me $2,000.

    Biden is the competent fascist people speak of that comes after Trump. All Dems do is normalize the heinous policies of their Republican predessecors, like Clinton enshrining Reagan's economic policies, Obama vastly expanding drone striking innocent brown people, and Americans are still convinced they're somehow the lesser evil. At least liberals pretend to give a shit when Trump was in office, it's been 4 years of crickets while all of his policies have seen fruition.

    Hillary was also on board with moving the capital to Jerusalem but people have the memory of goldfish.


    • Wertheimer [any]
      3 个月前

      Yes. Everything I protested under Trump has continued or been expanded by Biden, and now liberals don't protest anymore because "it will help Trump."

      A friend of mine was lecturing me for refusing to vote for Biden, and as an example of what would happen to the vulnerable under Trump she cited someone she knows whose father was just deported . . . by Biden.

      A vote for Biden is a vote for Trump.

      • Nakoichi [he/him]
        3 个月前

        cited someone she knows whose father

        peak racist lib shit. Wonder how "someone she knows" would feel about her cynically using their father as an example of why you need to vote for the guy who deported him.

        • Wertheimer [any]
          3 个月前

          Supposedly that person still supports Biden because of DACA.

      • casskaydee [she/her]
        3 个月前

        as an example of what would happen to the vulnerable under Trump she cited someone she knows whose father was just deported . . . by Biden.


        This is never going to be not relevant again is it?

      • Robert_Kennedy_Jr [xe/xem, xey/xem]
        3 个月前

        When you are linked with trillions of other minds through a psionic hive network it doesn't matter how small they are individually.