• DoubleShot [he/him]
      2 years ago


      These kinds of people will side with capital every day of the week and twice on Sunday. After reading some of Trotsky’s history of the revolution, I’m becoming sllllightly more positive about the prospects for eventual revolution in the US. It will happen when the working class here has finally had enough, when we’ve been pushed far enough. And while I think American workers do just take a lot of shit from capital, I think there will come a day capital pushes too far. But it’s almost certainly not going to be the entirety of the working class. Conservative petite boug types, white evangelicals, and liberal labor aristocrats will be the kulaks of that time. If there’s to be revolution, the heart of that revolution will be amongst to workers who experience the most oppression from capital: immigrants, POC, LGBTQ folks, etc. Libs like here will never convert.

      (Sorry for the sincere posting, just had this rattling in my brain at the moment)