John C. Goodman
I am one of the nation’s leading thinkers on health policy. I am the President of the Goodman Institute for Public Policy ...
Guy's author tagline should make any sane person's skin crawl:
I offer market-based healthcare solutions.
Absent government regulation, I suspect a large number of workers (maybe most of them) would prefer to be independent contractors,
and their current employers might prefer that as well.
Lol no shit
just imagine, a world where you can be paid less than minimum wage, AND lose your health insurance!!
"A lot of workers are choosing to save money by not buying health insurance and living in their cars."
Uber driving is nothing more than a contract between consenting adults.
usually i can tell what a ghoul is trying to say, but this one is truly incomprehensible. does he understand the concept of an hourly wage at all? does he think that homes are typically priced based on how long they take to sell? does he know the difference between selling your labor and selling your property? the point of time-and-a-half is that we have a finite number of hours upon this earth, and those hours become more valuable the more of them you demand from someone. At the very least we should have double pay for work over 50 hours by this point.
"I want companies to be able to pay less wages for labor, an essay I wrote for no particular reason"
It’s Time To Retire The Labor Law
It's time to retire you from life :stalin-gun-1: :stalin-gun-2: