is there some kind of button I need to press somewhere so that the AI realizes "actually I should pay $0.30 more to employ people in the most profitable industry in the market"

btw that weekly balance isn't +11.2 it's +11.2k

and no I can't press the subsidize button because I still have traditionalist economics

  • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
    1 year ago

    Looks like you are at full employment and it's driving up labor costs. Time to get some cheap immigrants or go conquer some people and establish a colony :porky-happy:

    • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      they are the most expensive thing on the market

      if it were an issue with input costs or tool price the weekly revenue for the factory would drop but it's at max cash and +11.2k/wk

      it's just like the AI decides it wants to mirror real life capitalists and just not pay enough and go "nobody wants to work"

      it might be a literacy rate thing but like it doesn't say there's no qualifications, just that like some worker on a farm won't accept a lower wage and it's like hahahah why is the farm paying more

        • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          Hell yea dawg im unindustrialized Morocco i'm not burning through these peasants for another 20 years of development at least

          • 4zi [he/him, comrade/them]
            1 year ago

            Lol didn’t notice that. Factory’s only raise wages if they are below 50% employment, competing with another building for labor pool, or have a certain profit margin but have pops below the minimum expected SoL.

            In your case I’m guessing you still have serfdom because it’s early game. Serfdom applies a massive penalty to peasants to keep them from converting to ‘Laborers.’ So this means the only available pop pool to hire from are middle class (clergy) who are mainly working in subsistence farms and plantations. The tools factory worker has reached a wage higher than the subsistence farmer wage, and since the tools factory is massively profitable it does not need to raise its wages. And since it’s a limited labor pool it’s not going to fully employ. To fix this you need to increase the available labor pool, which you can do by abolishing serfdom.

            Abolishing serfdom should open the floodgates, since the only people who could previously convert were clergy or bureaucrats etc (ie not serfs), increasing the labor pool and allowing more competition. It will trigger the factory’s to hire peasants, who have the worst SoL, which will then trigger the factory to raise wages because it is profitable but has employed pops below the minimum expected SoL. (All once the factory is fully employed)

            Alternatively you could build a bunch of farms, since the peasants can easily convert to farmers under serfdom (who will later convert to laborers), but spamming farms in the early game delays liberalization as your increasing the landowner and clergy pop pool.

            In other words, kill landlords :mao-aggro-shining:

            • machiabelly [she/her]
              1 year ago

              I love how they made a realistic economy (relative to video games) and as a result the villains are landlords

              • 4zi [he/him, comrade/them]
                1 year ago

                First time playing the game I kept getting extremely frustrated because the landowners kept revolting each time I tried to make reform, like on voting rights. Then it finally clicked in my head after I realized how much easier it would be to run my nation if I could just kill off the landowners

  • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    It's tough to say only having the one panel to look at but it seems like the problem is the livestock farm is paying better than the tools factory. It could be because your economy is too reliant on domestic meat/cloth production, you could try importing meat or building cotton farms to reduce the profitability of the livestock ranch, alternatively you could further reduce the input cost of tools by making the steel cheaper.

    Also you could try subsidizing the tools factory or dropping the (water boiler?) to a lower tier to reduce coal requirements and increase the value of the outputs.

    Also also you could attack the problem from a different angle and encourage immigration / education in that state, reduce the level of the livestock ranch building to free up employees and reduce efficiency of the ranch.

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    1 year ago

    There might be a factor that makes people prefer to keep their current job, but idk.

  • CetaceanPosadist
    1 year ago

    this is a qualifications issue - wages are too high for your higher qualified pops because there aren't many of them. build a couple universities and/or use the social mobility edict and it'll clear up after a bit