"Insurrection in Russia will encourage more Western aid for Ukraine"
Damn Russia didn't count on this kind of game changer
In the latest post credit scene, Zelensky teased the return of the Ghost of Kyiv. “Just one more job,” the Ghost remarked, “and then I’m done for good.”
Bro bro jut one more week, come on bro, please, just another week bro
I hate how fake this war feels. Like high command is marketing and officers are project managers.
I wonder if this is what it was like when it was all about Rhodesia
"Don't worry we were just getting started we have plenty more meat to throw into the grinder"
The year is 2077, and the Ukrainian counteroffensive is about to begin.
Total victory and the restoration of Ukraine's 1991 borders are surely only weeks away
This is like round 3 or 4 of "this isn't even my final form"
Yes it is
Can't wait to hear how some of the Ukrainiacs on YT are going to spin this, like Perun and Lazerpig
Zelensky should cut a wrestling style promo on Putin where at the end he shatters the camera lens
Everybody knows the most successful counteroffensives are announced a year in advance, get delayed multiple times and stop as soon as they begin to prepare for the "main event". This is all good and normal Ukraine is sure to win soon.