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  • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
    8 months ago

    The answer is that consent isn’t a binary, it’s actually a complex gradient. We all acknowledge this when we talk about power dynamics involved, we are talking about a sort of half-consent.

    Marxists also acknowledge consent in things like work and economy is not binary. The Libertarians who are obsessed with contracts and voluntarism believe there is a clear binary of consent, where if you sign a contract you agree to everything. They ignore the complex gradient of coercion that comes into play from desperation for employment, desperation for housing, corporate domination of the legal system, etc.

    Actually reviewing every single sexual relationship to determine all of the factors involved including age, relation, wealth, traumatic pasts, cognitive abilities, sobriety level, etc. is an insanely monumental task for any government. One that would involve massive invasions of privacy as well.

    So to function, we have to sort of have a line we draw in the sand where we say consent in binary. Otherwise the state could not function and would be overwhelmed by this complexity and scale (hundreds of millions of relationships to review).

    • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
      8 months ago

      Okay you make some good points here. I still think an argument could be made that the "line in the sand" should be moved upwards a bit could be made and I find it weird more aren't making it in this whole age gap discourse.

      Actually reviewing every single sexual relationship to determine all of the factors involved including age, relation, wealth, traumatic pasts, cognitive abilities, sobriety level, etc. is an insanely monumental task for any government. One that would involve massive invasions of privacy as well.

      Bit idea: SciFi future where and AI tells you who you can and can't bone based on a complex algorithm to assess power dynamics.

      • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
        8 months ago

        Yes, to be clear to my point so it’s understood where I am coming from, a Marxist feminist critique of the concept of consent, I believe in cases of doubt we should round down, not round up, so to speak. If consent in dubious, we should err on the safe side I believe and discourage such relationships. Whereas a Libertarian-minded person with a binary concept of consent would believe in assuming consent is present unless explicit non-consent was stated.

        The most truly correct thing to do would be to have less severe punishments for more minor issues, and more severe punishments for more severe issues, taking into account all these factors. Unfortunately, that’s not really feasible for a legal system of a government to do.

      • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
        8 months ago

        The AIs are being made by fascist and right wing libertarian (so, fascist but too delusional to realize that's what they are) tech-bros like billionaire-tears so the AI will say that only pedo shit is allowed :vomit: