Biggest problem is that who would regain control of Tibet if it is "freed" would make China's worst aspects preferable.
Lol they straight up want to give Xinjiang to ETIM, who is actually still designated a terrorist group in the US
And Tibet would be some feudal theocracy that preaches good vibes to westerners (I do actually admire some Buddhist teachings). And now some people want Inner Mongolia freedom and some people if you look far enough into twitter dregs, Manchuria which in it's last form was a literal Japanese puppet state.
Lmao I've seen Twitter accounts with the Manchukuo flag as it's avi
100%. The goal is to balkanize China, invade the sparsely populated Muslim regions and use them as bases of operation to dominate and exploit the heavily populated Eastern regions.
Kinda doesn't feel chill to be shitting on a people and culture that's actively being genocided by a massive ethnically homogenous state.
You could characterize the toppling of the Tsarist social organization of Russia as “cultural destruction,” but doing so would be incredibly obtuse. Y
Russian people were doing that though?
Sure, I was saying that I imagine a majority of the people involved in changing Russia at the time were Russian. Might've been a small segment of the population and mostly in cities. Or just it's a change done by people living in the place that is changing
Good thing they aren't destroying religion and culture, then