Your biological clocks ticking, Mr. Peterson. Only 2 children? Such a shame you wasted all your most fertile years trying to be an independent career man instead of home raising your wife's brood as nature intended.

  • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
    2 years ago

    For chimpanzees, apparently it's older females that are desirable. Particularly if they already had kids cause it proves their fertility or something? I dunno.

    I could totally imagine an inverted redpill that shames older shithead mysoginists lol, like oooh she has wrinkles, ooh she has birthing stretchmarks, she held a job while raising kids, what the fuck did you do again Peterson? Get older, whine in a college and donate sperm twice?? Get the fuck outta here.

    (wtf why does sperm get autocorrected to supermarket)