sicko-fem time to renew your subscription plan dear freedom-and-democracy

  • itappearsthat
    8 months ago

    is it true that the drug works for weight loss by making you get nauseous after eating a small amount of food

    • Chronicon [they/them]
      8 months ago

      I mean it may manifest that way for some people, seeing as nausea is the #1 side effect but overall no, that's not how it's intended to work. It binds to the same sorts of receptors as GLP-1 which plays a variety of roles in digestion, but it isn't as easily broken down (normal GLP-1 has a half life of only a few minutes) so it sticks around and stays effective longer. The net effect is that digestion slows down and hunger is reduced (there are receptors in the brain as well as the pancreas, so it affects cravings as well as just blood sugar/insulin response)

      something vaguely like that anyhow, I'm not a doctor