Feel free to join up. We play with digital tools which mean you don't need to own any cards in real life to play. Link is open for next 7 days, if you see this post after then, send me a DM for a fresh link. https://discord.gg/7uwdVZCp

    • DengistDonnieDarko [he/him]
      8 months ago

      I love me some pauper, I actually just redownloaded MTGO because the pauper itch struck me again.

      Question, I'm just getting back into the format after a few years of not touching magic. What happened to Tron? It used to be one of the best decks but I don't see it anywhere anymore.

  • WELCOMETHRILLHO [comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    Please let there be other oldheads on there, so we can talk about Invasion block constructed, how terrible Masques constructed was, how good and rewarding Caw-Blade was for disciplined players, etc

    • marx_mentat [he/him, comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      I'm an old head but I took a break from magic during those years. Masquerade was my last set, but I did dip back in briefly a few times since then. I've been doing tons of commander this past year so I'm definitely back in now.

        • marx_mentat [he/him, comrade/them]
          8 months ago

          Drafting is fun too. But I'm addicted to commander. I have a crew I play with every week and I sometimes play at my lgs. There's really nothing else like brewing new commander decks and playing with 3 friends. It's like the ultimate board game.

          • WELCOMETHRILLHO [comrade/them]
            8 months ago

            So I definitely agree with MaRo that Magic isn’t one game, but actually several distinct games with shared pieces and rules, because Commander is not for me personally, and I have been playing Magic for most of its existence. I get why people like it, but it doesn’t scratch the same itch as playing in a constructed event for cash. My only real complaint with Commander is that it is a terrible way to on-board new players, and maybe losing with some janky brews at FNM isn’t the atrocity some players have made it out to be.

              • WELCOMETHRILLHO [comrade/them]
                8 months ago

                I can post the current list on the discord, but I have a custom Jump-Start box that I built that is a LOT of fun to play with. It has pre-sleeved 20 card theme packs (bagged in team bags) and each player picks two at random to shuffle together for an instant deck. The packs are also super fun to design, and I think the sleeves cost more than the cards themselves. Keeps a consistent power level between players and doesn't rely on newer players having to figure out how to draft/build a deck correctly.

            • marx_mentat [he/him, comrade/them]
              8 months ago

              Last Friday I won a couple of games at my lgs with a deck I brewed earlier that day. I think how fun commander is really depends on the meta of the group you play with. FWIW I do have more fun playing at my friend's house every Saturday night, but the 4 of us all enjoy playing mid power range decks, 5-7, for the most part anyway. We've been going for over 6 months now and I'm sure eventually an arms race will break out or something but for right now it's good.

              Constructed events for cash is definitely on the complete opposite end of the mtg spectrum from commander, probably draft for cash would be the only thing further away from it, so it makes sense that someone into that would feel differently about commander.

              I like the chill vibes and playing weird 5-7 range decks (that can also win games, btw, that is an important detail IMO). I'm still playing to win with my decks. We're sort of creating our own distinct meta that is separate from mtg as a whole by playing in our own separate pod and it's honestly fun af. If it somehow ended tomorrow I would immediately start looking for 3 people to start another new weekly commander pod.

  • marx_mentat [he/him, comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    Hell yeah this rules. I'm definitely going to try out these digital tools at some point. I don't have a lot of free time these days though but I'll make it work somehow.