Did anyone here predict this time last year that the US would be in its current state? Because I sure didn't. Everything seems to be going downhill really fast. The decay seems exponential rather than linear. So with that being said, do you think the collapse could come soon? 2 years? next year? Maybe even before the end of this year? It would honestly be shocking if the US went from business as usual to civil war in the space of a few years.

  • PermaculturalMarxist [they/them]
    4 years ago

    The past 40 years are the result of the repression of the 70s. The left was making huge gains and the Black Panther Party and the Rainbow Coalition were probably the most significant American revolutionary organisations to come out of the latter half of the 20th century. I dunno, I just don't get the appeal of such an idealist reading of the weakening of the American left when it was decades of ops like COINTELPRO that put us here and we are picking up the pieces. I say this because I don't want people to think we did this to ourselves, our movement is righteous and it has been strong in the past and can be made strong again. The capitalist class had to pull out all the stops to put it down. Ideology is important, but that division is more a symptom of our lack of organisation than its direct cause.

      • hotcouchguy [he/him]
        4 years ago

        look at all the splits and problems they faced in the 70s without the FBI’s help.

        The FBI very much helped with those splits, for example Eldridge Cleaver's split was based on a lot of inflamed tensions and bad information from COINTELPRO while he was in Algeria.

      • PermaculturalMarxist [they/them]
        4 years ago

        That's why I said latter half of the 20th century, I know the labour movement was larger before then but again, it was the red scares, Palmer Raids, HUAC purges in CPUSA, deindustrialisation putting labour on the defensive, and other more concrete stuff that caused the decline. I do think you're speaking to how it would be an incomplete story if something wasn't said about liberal hegemony and the complete takover of the universities by capital, but I still think this is part of a wider, concerted effort to undermine the left and not so much of the left thwarting itself. Not to say it doesn't happen, but I think people tend to blame the left for a lot of stuff which is the state's fault.