Trump is the Republican Party, there is no distinction.

The vast, vast majority of conservatives love him and will vote for him literally no matter what he says or does.

Owning the libs is enough for them, they don't care how bad their material conditions are as long as they get that. Never Trumpers are so few in number that they might as well not exist.

Meanwhile Biden, offering literally no hope or anything worth a shit to people, will convince very few that didn't vote for Hillary 4 years ago to do so for him this time around. Not enough to win at least.

It's like Chapo said: The choices are screaming defiantly into the void as you die and hurting the people you don't like along the way, or dying quietly reminiscing about "the good ol' days".

If those are the 2 choices, the former is gonna be way more attractive to people.

  • evilgiraffemonkey [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They're talking about events with reference to the American election, an election where most of the people voting famously barely give a fuck about their neighbors, and certainly don't give a fuck about people outside their borders. Pretty sure everybody here knows who suffers most from American imperialism.

    • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      they were listing enlisted soldiers as a casualty of 9/11, and calling vietnam the previous "biggest tragedy for the american people " with a complete casual disregard for any non-americans in that post.

      so, no, they can do better.