So, I heard several people now mention HAARP as the cause for all the natural disasters that have been happening lately. And here I thought the cause was rampant pollution and global warming!

But seriously, I'm looking at the HAARP page on wikipedia and it seems to be an array for studying the ionosphere? How in the hell do you go from "we're using this to see what's happening way up there in the sky" to "this causes tornadoes"? Who even started this garbage?

    1 year ago

    HAARP is an old school conspiracy theory. I haven't heard someone bring this one up in years. It's your classic government control the weather theory.

      1 year ago

      Old enough to have an X-Files episode. Remember when wacky conspiracies where good old fun?

      1 year ago

      I had no idea this was old school. I thought this was a recent thing. Though, the book in's comment was published in 1995, so I guess I just hadn't noticed until now.

    1 year ago

    Because people are stupid. Stupid people believe stupid things. They don't have logic, just stupidity.

    1 year ago

    Possibly the same as the 5G people. Due to the frequency used by HAARP, it can be received all around the world. (They published the times of planed transmissions, so if you have a shortwave radio, you can listen in)

  • Frater
    1 year ago

    How in the hell do you go from “we’re using this to see what’s happening way up there in the sky” to “this causes tornadoes”?

    a good starting point is The Paranoid Style in American Politics, by Richard Hofstadter

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    That's some old school before Qanon conspiracy brainworms. Made up by people who don't understand basic science and think the earth is 6000 years old.

    I just hope they stick to that and don't adopt the new conspiracies like Qanon to be honest.

    1 year ago

    With some minor search:

      1 year ago

      Thanks so much attempting to bring at least some nuance into this discussion. But the cold hard truth is that no one really wants to know, because you'll sleep a lot better if this is all just mumbojumbo.

      Unfortunately though, here is a research paper straight from a US government server that basically describes how it works in theory, with the following title:

      Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

      Scroll through the document. Read it. Then compare the technology to what's being claimed about HAARP and other weather manipulation tech. I know there are insane people out there who'll make the most insane claims but for every 100th nutjob there's 1 person out there who actually read up on the stuff that's available and often they're a lot more hesitant on calling it all just a hoax.

      Unfortunately the truth is that people don't care. Just look at the rhetoric used in these comments. Why would scientists come forward and risk being doxxed, ratted out to their employer as a lunatic conspiracy nut, claiming that is might be possible, even if just in theory?

      We had the mayor of Ankara in Turkey claiming that artificial earth quakes were used against Turkey way before 2023, though the USS Nitze docked in a Turkish port in the Black Sea just a couple of days before the February 6th earthquakes), right when Turkey was stalling for Sweden to join NATO. There's videos out there of people filming bright blue-ish lights coming from a central source the night before the earthquakes happened.

      The longest time I thought this was all bullshit but the more I dug into it, the less I was able to convince myself that this is all just made up nonsense from idiots on the Internet. I'm not on the "it's all HAARP!!" train but come on, let's keep the discussion a bit more civil?