• JohnBrownsBussy2 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    This was inevitable. For a GOP voter, to vote for anyone but Trump is an admission that the libs were right. More indictments or any other consequence will only heighten the contradiction and make them more committed.

  • JohnBrownsBussy2 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Some other thoughts;

    • Every day the idea of DeSantis as a "competent fascist" grows more and more funny.
    • I don't think Trump is going to win in the rematch, but it's going to be an "unexpected" nailbiter like 2020. If Biden does kick the bucket and they have Kamala running, then yeah Trump is going to win by 5 points or so even if it's from prison.
    • Rom [he/him]
      1 year ago

      He'll lose the popular vote but win the electoral college again, except this time it will be because of some GOP voter fraud fuckery, or a chud judge in like Ohio or Michigan will throw out their state's electoral votes in favor of Trump. Then after he wins there will be a bunch of investigations, another media circus, some low level scapegoats will go to jail, the Democrats will impeach Trump again, and then literally nothing else will happen and he'll continue to be president until he dies of a heart attack. Calling it now.

      • JohnBrownsBussy2 [he/him]
        1 year ago

        It could go either way. It does appear that there is a real swing towards the democrats in key states like Michigan and Wisconsin, so looking at the electoral college I don't think there's gonna be a lot of difference compared to 2020. Abortion rights are still a massive sticking point and the GOP touting a federal abortion ban is probably all that's keeping Biden afloat. Honestly, it's anyone's game at this point.

      • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        he's also done nothing

        that's not true. he bargained away the student loan pause during the Deal of the Century, flubbed the perennially shrinking student loan forgiveness order, and interest rates went up 7200% kicking the tech platform enshittification cycle into overdrive & injecting superglue into the lock protecting the housing market from normal humans.

        as usual it's the DNC's race to lose, and i have no doubt they are going to have some real doozies for us this time.

      • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        He's still got the most important thing that won him the election last time: he's running against Trump.

    • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      Every day the idea of DeSantis as a "competent fascist" grows more and more funny.

      We probably shouldn't laugh it off it entirely given what his governorship has been like.

      If Biden does kick the bucket and they have Kamala running, then yeah Trump is going to win by 5 points or so even if it's from prison.

      If he dies it will not be Kamala running to replace him. It'll be a governor or maybe Sherrod Brown.

  • volcel_olive_oil [he/him]
    1 year ago

    forget ronball who is BURGUM

    edit: just looked him up he's the most boring opportunist trump wannabe you can imagine

    • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      I really don't think he'll win if he goes to prison. His core voters will be more motivated than ever but the normal people who abandoned him in 2020 will absolutely go to Biden and lib voters will also be hyper motivated. Plus he still has the abortion albatross.

      • Lerios [hy/hym]
        1 year ago

        probably, its cool and anti-power. but more importantly it will wildly galvanize his entire base and people who are even vaguely adjecent to his base, people who've never really bothered to vote. people who don't typically vote are a massively under-utilized demographic, if you can get them moving you pretty much win

        • rusticus@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          lol. You thinking being incarcerated will bring net votes. It’s a bold move Cotton, let’s see if it pays off!

            • rusticus@lemm.ee
              1 year ago

              His ceiling is significantly less than 40% of the popular vote. He’s unelectable without cheating or an attractive spoiler candidate. He lost the last election as an incumbent by 7 million votes and since then almost a million Republicans have died from Covid.

              • JohnBrownsBussy2 [he/him]
                1 year ago

                I agree with you that Trump isn't the favorite, but polling has Biden and Trump tied right now even after the various rounds of legal trouble. The fundamentals aren't good for Biden, and could get a lot worse if high interest rates percipate an expanded banking crisis or if the situation in Ukraine degrades further. Trump's floor is higher than 40%, and he's only one or two crisises away from having a real shot.

                • rusticus@lemm.ee
                  1 year ago

                  Abortion rights is turning out to be a strong voting platform and Biden beat Trump before Roe v Wade was overturned.

              • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
                1 year ago

                I wish I shared your optimism, but a) the Republicans will never allow mail-in voting on that scale ever again and the Democrats will say "My good sir, have you no civility!?" and then proceed to do nothing to oppose it like they've done every day for the last century, b) Trump improved remarkably in 2020 compared to 2016 in a number of surprising demographics, and c) the economy might look great but in reality these benefits are only reaching the top strata of society and most people are having an increasingly miserable time with higher gas prices, inflation, working multiple shitty jobs, a lack of real wage growth above inflation, and this is reflected in the number of people who are saying that they think the economy is in bad straits.

                not saying Trump is definitely going to win, truthfully I have absolutely no idea - maybe the US is in a recession this time next year and Biden gets stomped, or maybe the economic growth finally reaches the lower 90% of people and Biden wins, or maybe there's been some other major geopolitical incident that is a complete wildcard and makes all our prior predictions irrelevant. I just caution bold predictions for American elections, especially over a year out. honestly even a month out I'd be hesitant to call anything.

                and finally,

                He lost the last election as an incumbent by 7 million votes

                popular votes, sure, but that isn't what wins elections. Trump lost the last election by a lot less than 7 million votes if you're just looking at how many votes he needed in the closest states to flip enough of them to win. I did the math a while ago and have since forgotten it but I think it was under a million. might even have been less than 500,000, idk, somebody would have to go figure that out again. I do remember it being concerningly close, at least compared to, say, 2008 and 2012.

                • rusticus@lemm.ee
                  1 year ago

                  Honestly, I think you and I think the same on this topic. I can’t disagree with any of your points and yours is a great comment/post. I hope for our democracy, good sir!

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      When a super-charismatic cult leader dies - things can get ugly and they can get ugly very fast. It would be pretty funny if Trump clinched the nomination and just a few days after that he died. His VP choice (whoever that is - Haley?) would say "I'm the nominee..." but there would certainly be a nasty and perhaps prolonged power struggle.

  • immuredanchorite [he/him, any]
    1 year ago

    Back in November of 2021, I remember predicting in a political discussion that Trump would run again, that Biden would run again short of death, and that Trump would defeat Biden handily. I think the prospect of Trump running under indictment or in jail only would make his base more enthusiastic about voting for him. Everyone frowned, and the only real response was, "I hope not."

    I think Biden is going to coast into the election the exact same way that Hilary did: perfectly set up to be the worst candidate, perfectly clueless about Trumps chances.

    It sucks, and I hope I am wrong. Also, never in a million years would I ever contemplate voting for either of these two bourgeois crooks. The election is meaningless except that both Trump and Biden will spend the better part of a year trying to outdo each other on: nuclear war with china, imperialism more generally, supporting police brutality and expanding the carceral state, removing the social safety net (being fiscally responsible), anti-communist scapegoating/witchhunting, and inventing new ways to be racist (particularly to immigrants)...


    • DrCrustacean [any]
      1 year ago

      I used to think that Trump would win in 2024, but watching the gop drop the ball on the midterms changed my mind about that. I think Biden has it pretty easily as long as

      • neither candidate has a major medical issue. Or a minor one in October.
      • republicans don't find a better strategy than trying to rile the hogs up about trans people
      • no major economic shift happens between now and the election. Just high inflation with low wage growth isn't enough to tip the needle imo

      Obviously any of those are all reasonably likely to happen and who knows where things will end up when they do.

      • immuredanchorite [he/him, any]
        1 year ago

        idk if republicans dropped the ball so much as they had to work against a popular movement against the ending of roe v wade... the democrats didn't give a shit about roe, but they literally told voters "if you vote for us we will restore Roe"... that wasn't true and they never intended to do anything about abortion... they never did it when they had more power. but it was enough to coopt a larger movement they had nothing to do with (or at least enough of the movement to siphon most of the energy away)... libs bought it up despite the fact that that decision should have had every lib questioning the very foundations of bourgeois democracy itself. (many did)

        Dems think they can run on abortion as a national issue, and they might have some success doing it, but I doubt it will resonate the same way or overcome their fecklessness... They will probably spend very little time even discussing it, because it will highlight that they didn't do anything when they could have. for worse, it has become a local/state struggle now. people who live in states with legal abortion will feel secure and stop caring as much. as state efforts continue, and a trickle of states win back abortion rights, illegal abortion will be confined to states where the right-wing is so dominant that people there will feel it is useless to fight (or more likely, democrat politicians will think their state is "too conservative" for it to win). but the 2024 election is over a year away, so who knows. I just don't think the dems and their media apparatus care enough about abortion to make it a centerpiece of the campaign. They will likely spend their time talking about how trump is bad and giving him endless airtime.

  • NeelixBiederman [he/him]
    1 year ago

    No maddow-loving lib has hoped Trump is made ineligible to run for office harder than Randy Santis

    • JohnBrownsBussy2 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      The only thing that could make him ineligible for the presidency is being impeached & convicted by the senate or becoming dead. Otherwise, he can run from prison and is going to see a floor of 45%.

  • AOCapitulator [they/them]
    1 year ago

    It won’t happen but I’d love to watch the RNC ratfuck trump like the DNC did to Bernie

    Not the least because chuds would absolutely positively lose their fucking minds

  • Wheaties [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Nate Silver is a dork, but its nice to finally have some proper statistics for my sport teams

  • DoiDoi [comrade/them, he/him]
    1 year ago

    I really want to know who the fuck is out there supporting Chris Christie. Or any of the other loser candidates that everyone knows don't have a chance. Do they not see how much fun the trump people are having?

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
      1 year ago

      my hypothesis is that they fool themselves into believing that they're too good and respectable for Trump's antics and then crawl right back to him at election time to stop the gay ultra-communist marxist dictator that they've been told the Democrats have made their candidate

      as you say, basically the rightwingers who revel in not having fun and treating politics "seriously". what a horrible existence. every election I'm writing in Lenin and having a blast