• lvysaur [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Lol they think they’ll be refugees. Honey Canada turned away Jewish refugees in the 40s.

      Difference is Jews were like, 6 million strong and an ocean away
      Martsharters are 340 million strong with no sea barrier, and a land border 3x the size of Mexico's

      Canada would never be able to resist the US hordes. Canada is just a vassal state of the US anyway, much like Japan. They're already dead before they even opened the door.

      People were saying shit about how Japan would take over the world economy in the 80s, but it turns out having your nation be one big US military base actually makes your economy completely subordinate to them, and allows them to come in and steal your tech, devalue their currency, completely unopposed (plaza accords).

      Canada is the USA's bitch in every single imaginable aspect. It can't even be like Australia where they can pretend to be some white fascist bulwark against CHYNA, they're just literally the US's hat and can be invaded on a split second whim.

        • lvysaur [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Which is why it would round up everyone with a US passport and ship them back to the Christian States of America.

          These nations are, for lack of a better word, completely cucked.

          Japan regularly has US military goons walk free after raping Okinawan women. Canada kidnapped the Huawei CEO's daughter because the US told them to.

          They are not actual countries, they are just US vassal states. Canada even less so, because at least Japan has a large population.

          If it was a sporadic thing maybe in the beginning then yeah, Canada might deport a few Americans. Only because the US doesn't care about the costs involved.

          But if there are such huge political and environmental problems that millions of Americans migrate north, Canada will absolutely take that lying down because they have no choice. Hell by that time Canada will probably be official US property due to the climate catastrophe.

            • lvysaur [he/him]
              4 years ago

              If a bunch of American libs were like “oh no Trump is bad I have to flee to Canada” and had to sneak in that would mean that the US government wants those people in America right?

              Does Mexico want the undocumented migrants to stay in Mexico? Or does it not care that much?

              US would love it if a bunch of leftists/POC/refugeetypes were fleeing and entering Canada illegally. Or at the very least they'd give no shits about it.

              From the USgov/chud viewpoint, it's just dumping "human garbage" onto Canada. No clue why the US gov would have issues with that. If it were educated liberal US citizens, then yeah they might.

  • PlantsRcool [any]
    4 years ago

    If I was gonna move I'd move somewhere a lot cooler than Canada

    • WinteryLeftist [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Canada is easy to get to for most Americans, so I get why it's the popular one

  • redthebaron [he/him]
    4 years ago

    there is an easy solution to this JUST PUT AMERICA ON A GIANT DOME