I want to believe.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    4 years ago

    Shout out to the Stamford Bridge Viking who was the OG "NO PASARAN" guy.

    For those of you who don't know, the Viking and the Saxon armies met at a choke point where they had to cross a narrow bridge to fight each other. Some giant viking Sonofabitch is like "Fuck you limey scum", gets a big fucking axe, and preceeds to solo the English army on the bridge for about an hour. He kills like forty Englishmen because they can only come at him one or two at a time due to the narrow bridge. Eventually the English stick a hobbit with a spear in a barrel, float it on the the bridge, and stab the axe-viking in the nards. But for about an hour that guy was the God of War and no one could get past him.