As a transwoman, I understand that feeling of acceptedness within the Chapo community and I can imagine the feeling of betrayal that they must be feeling. I joined about a year ago at one of the lowest and most pivotal points of my life and the community has helped me to grow as a person and to really turn my life around for the better. I'm personally trying my best to provide the same safe and protecting community for trans and non-binary people here that I saw in the subreddit that allowed me to blossom so heavily. However, a blank slate means you let go of the things that happened in the past and we all move forward on this new platform, where I have taken steps to ensure that trans people are more protected so situations like this do not arise. Spamming the Lemmy does not constitute a move forward.
Marie stated in one comment that, "I was, unfortunately, misgendered by someone on the discord (and had been multiple times by that point) and so I expressed my feelings that not enough was being done to protect trans comrades." If they looked at the trans and non-binary dedicated community, they would see several points where I have provided updates on the site-wide pronoun tags (entirely separate from community flair, I might add) that are coming down the pipeline of updates, which I strongly pushed for and had the pleasure of discussing and brainstorming with the developers to make a reality. I personally didn't think the Discord had the capability to fully prevent misgendering because it would require someone to click on another person's profile and self-investigate? So how could that be improved moving away from the Discord? On the Lemmy, pronouns will be immediately next to your name site-wide leaving no excuse for misgendering going forward.
Someone else stated that "it’s kind of depressing that lgbt spaces here are empty" and "it raises the issue of what the priority is in affirmatively making sure there is a space here in chapo for our queer comrades to have a home, vs being a home for cis comrades to affirm their own perceived tolerance." It's hard to pull people to Lemmy when there is no guarantee I can prevent things like misgendering otherwise I personally would be trying to pull all of my trans and non-binary comrades here. It's actually one of my biggest concerns and I have addressed this concern in our space. I'm hesitant to really do anything in the trans and non-binary community until I can guarantee that no one will face dysphoria on that front.
I have discussed at-length with other moderators that I (and I can't stress this enough) DO NOT want cis people on my moderator board, as our people do not need cis people dictating the manner in which we can converse with each other about our trials and tribulations. Marie stated they want "reform" and for the "mod team to not be shit"? Here I fucking am. They want mods to be "held accountable for their actions"? I will absolutely swing for the fences for our people. "Will this ever happen?" they asked. Yes.
I have tried everything possible to make amends. Yesterday on the statement I made allowing for any good faith grievances to be discussed, I received countless comments telling me to “talk to the Shorks”. Getting specific names of people in the Shork server was no easy feat, but I did it. I ended up reaching out to Shorkena, one of the moderators on the Shork server that Marie was kind enough to put me in contact with, and tried to pull together a group chat to have a good faith conversation about how to move forward. I tried everything to reach some sort of agreement. They’ve been spamming demanding that their voices and grievances be heard since we opened the Lemmy and I have gaven them multiple spaces space to freely do that and openly discuss grievances and how to move forward in good faith and they shuttered.
I gave them every opportunity I could possibly think to give and they squandered it and even went as far as mocking me within their own server and digging up drunken shitpost Tweets to openly mock me about instead of discussing their actual grievances with me, which you can see in the Imgur directory below.
I remained hopeful throughout all of this that I could pull something off and end all of this, but I have concluded there is no good faith attempt here anymore.
For all of those interested, here is every interaction I’ve had with any of them involved:
because they were unsolicited DMs with ultimatums to people who were literally asleep, and demanding they speak with her despite none of us asking.
She's been trying to get an answer to what the actual grievances are that everyone keeps mentioning but refuses to name, and the only hint of an answer has been "talk to the shorks". So when she tries to do just that, she's told that none of them want to speak to her. What a catch-22.
I really wish this wasn't the case, but the only conclusion I can draw from this is that there aren't any concrete grievances, and this is only being brought up again out of spite.
I've been myself trying to keep up with what's going on and what problems are being discussed and what has been resolved, and I honestly have no clue what the issue is at this point. I've read the original album of a chat with beatnik, but I can't make heads of tails of what is still being demanded. Apparently there is an updated version of "demands"? What are they? If there is any action the admins or the mods can take that would be regarded as a step in the right direction by you, can you tell us?
All I've seen is a link to a 32 page discord chat, the implication that cub=chibi and to talk to the shorks. It's ridiculous.
Its almost as if someone is leading you all along by the neck, I don't think anyone in the shork discord cares at this point though? I'd rather keep my transness in our own discord where I feel comfortable.
You all cared enough to openly mock my Twitter, my username, call me a cop and a traitor, and spam the Lemmy repeatedly. What are your grievances?
There's no evidence for shorks spamming the lemmy. You clearly have someone in the server, so if it were actually happening, surely it wouldn't be hard to screenshot some evidence.
That isn't evidence lol. It's evidence that at least one person has posted stuff, but it proves not who or how many people are involved.
It is unquestionably evidence. If you think it's insufficient evidence, that's fine, but focus on what additional information you need.
Shork user admitting that they are spamming the site who was banned earlier.
Fair, I just thought you counting down to an hour was extremely funny and very normal behavior.
It's the behavior of someone who blew their entire Friday evening patiently waiting for constructive feedback and to hash out actual grievances and didn't receive a thing when there was more than enough time and space to do so.
I mean, that's rough now with context, but you gotta realize there was no consensus. Obviously nobody had any interest in speaking with you, and whoever asked you in the first place had no idea what they were talking about.
"Obviously nobody had any interest in speaking with you"
So you came here to do what? Just shit up the place? Not actually have a dialog? Just complain until you got your way? Doesn't work like that. Grow the fuck up, for real.
I don't see how me telling you that TransComrade targeting the wrong unrelated Discord is "shitting up the place" but go off man.
Obviously some number of people have some interest in speaking with someone about something, because this conversation is still happening. If nobody had any interest in speaking with anyone about this, this thread wouldn't have 400 comments.
That's great news then, so stop brigading.
There's no proof there's any brigading from the shorks tho...
So a bunch of random alt accounts all spamming the same thing which was something the admitted shork members were trying to convince others of? I literally have a screenshot of a shork member admitting to spamming...
Look, there's clearly someone providing OP with screenshots from the Shork server. If there were anything really going on, don't you think screenshots of it would've been included?
That sounds like a shork problem, not a problem.
Well, it's a problem when accusations are being made without evidence that, supposing it is true, could easily be obtained.
I really don't see how jacketing is helpful here.
I don't know what jacketing means.
It's what the mods accused people criticising them of.
You still haven't answered how a bunch of random spam accounts can somehow spam the same message/theme that your server is trying to push.
I said it above and I'll say it here too:
From the time I made this post last night until about 2 AM, I stayed here waiting for any kind of actual grievances to be discussed. I spent my entire Friday night after work here when I could’ve been doing so many other things. I left the thread open over night too. I woke up at noon today and there was still nothing constructive in this thread that wasn’t “talk to the Shorks.” They’re acting like I’m in the wrong for giving them an hour to compile a group chat on Discord to hash things out like reasonable adults this afternoon when the reality is they had all yesterday evening and this morning/afternoon to make their voices heard like they’ve been demanding through the constant brigading and spamming.
Lmao all the people downvoting this. It's hardly reasonable to just randomly DM and demand that something be done within an hour.