I fucking love blizzards with high wind. I bought a bunch of stuff that's graded for the Yukon as an investment ages ago and now during the winter I can take walks, there's no tourists, and it's so calming.
Snow when you aren't the one responsible for shoveling it, haha.
Growing up, my Dad would have us shovel while it was still snowing, so it wouldn't pile up too high for our second shift when it was over. Absolutely miserable lol
cold enough that I don't sweat and can wear my shoplifting jacket
Cloudy but not windy, perfect for bicycling, you dont get sunburned and dont have to pedal against the wind
Call me Emo, but I enjoy a good foggy rain shower on a autumn day
And not just because it gives me an excuse to dress like one of the Strangers from Dark City
I can add layers, but there's a limit to the layers I can remove when it's hot
Give me those clear autumn days where it's warm when you stand in the sun and cold in the shade. I really only feel right when there's a chill.
A winter's day, around -10C is about perfect for me. It's a comfortable temperature for pretty much any activity. You can sit around all day, or take off a few layers and go for a run without worry about overheating. The air is warm enough that you can smell the snow, but not so warm as to make things soggy.
i've always loved when it's foggy. it feels so magical and cozy. everything gets washed out in a familiar yet otherworldly way, and it makes me feel so at ease. i love walking through the fog listening to ambient music or Burial 🙂
Sun showers are also amazing. They make me feel so emotional for some reason.
Lastly, when the temp is hanging around 0c and it's snowing, so you get the big fluffy snow flakes that fall so gently and slowly. Love that too.
As long as it isn't windy - Rain. Lots of rain. Rain for hours, maybe days or weeks. Warm rain, freezing rain, half-icy rain, I can just soak it in. Walking in rain really feels like baptism to me. When it rains so hard nobody can hear anything, those are the only few times I've truly felt able to be myself.
I love rain.
Sunny summer day in the low 80's with no humidity and no rain, just vibe hearing the birds chirp and sing.
A clear, moonless, winters (or in colder climes autumn) night in the wilderness, just above freezing, with the stars blazing above.
I love dawn in the summer. It's usually cool, and there are few people awake that early. It's pretty much just me and the birds.
40-50F, partly cloudy, not windy, not spring
I like wearing a hoodie, or some misc. outer layer, so I prefer colder temps. But at 40-50, I could comfortably take off a layer if I'm being physically active. I like it partly cloudy because sometimes the sun peaks out from behind the clouds, and you feel so warm for a brief second -- it's bliss. If the sun was out too much though, it would overall get too hot. And not spring because of seasonal allergies.