I'm excited to share that I've recently reached Gold rank in Overwatch! For those unfamiliar, Overwatch is a softcore pornography game that requires a significant commitment to bitterness and abusive chat messages--all crucial skills in both gaming and cloud development.
it'd be a lot more fun if the average player understood that they're just a silly little guy playing a silly little video game instead of throwing a tantrum that you're bad or not playing optimally or whatever. Just let me play my silly non meta shit in peace and not scream and cry when you lose
always a fan of low ranked players of any given video game getting beyond mad that their teammates are also low ranked players
Someone told my friend to k*** himself for having 12 deaths in Deadlock. The game that's in ALPHA.
I deserve to be in bronze. My teammates do too, but they aren't in bronze.
I'm a super casual player who only ever plays to hang out with friends, so I have no idea how to enable the team chat and have no desire to find out. If they get mad they can just scream into the void idc
No, gamers ruined multiplayer gaming
SBMM is awesome if you're chill cause every match should be slightly challenging your skill and honing them
Without it, every game you'd probably either get stomped and not have fun or stomp on others and also not have fun unless you're a loser
Without it we’d still have server browsers as the primary avenue for game finding, and you’d just find a community of people that you jived with and have fun, building community bonds and having fun without worrying about your ELO or whatever.
As if little shits thinking they are some kind of god didn't exist before SBMM
I used to boot up into COD 4 lobbies and get stomped for 2 hours straight every day
i really like garen because he goes "WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" and spins real fast!!
idk how garen actually works, but I looked it up just now, and:
ShowShowI miss runes instead of whatever the fuck the rework is. I had all pages and most runes, too. At least they refunded the blue currency. I still haven't spent it all and I ended up buying every champ. I can buy new ones as they're released. I think I'm like 100k short of that one skin that comes out every year for like 1 mil blue.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Strategy teamwork and adaptability don't show before, like, Master's rank (top 0.1% of the player base). Below this rank, the game is mostly based on reflexes and timing, playing the same OP character as much as possible and remembering to go kill the big dragons or something
Strategy teamwork and adaptability don't show before, like, Master's rank (top 0.1% of the player base)
So it's like CS and probably most other teamplay games with ranking systems
The ones that rely on motor skills a lot are usually like that yes
A slower-paced game like Dota2 starts to require strategy and teamwork earlier but you can still win games just by very being good at pushing buttons for half of the ranks
It depends. Because if you put 4 mediocre players on a call with each other in TF2, they will end up top of the leaderboard. However, most people who end up doing the most never communicate, they just press button good.
You can definitely climb higher than Gold on the back of good macro play.
i disagree, league has an experienced player base, everyone above silver knows how to play their champ competently, on mechanics alone you can only get as high as plat, you need to actually know macro to climb higher
People post all sorts of really odd shit on linkedin, there's even a subreddit dedicated to it r/linkedinlunatics
significant commitment to strategy, teamwork, and adaptability
she's trying to spin her gaming habit as something that will make her more appealing to employers, lol
Ok but real talk becoming mature enough to play league without losing your mind is actually a translatable skill
Imagine the best thing about your game being "they made a good anime about it".
This post is about Cyberpunk 2077 actually
i can't even really remember how long ago it was that i looked into league of legends, but it was a long time ago. i don't think it was brand new, because lots of people were already playing it. i was looking for a game to play with friends online and so a friend of mine told me about how two guys we knew back in high school played it all the time now and we could play with them / use it as a way to keep in contact. and it was "Free" so what was there to lose?
so we download it and get online, only the guys from school are not really interested in showing us what's up because they are trying to achieve something and insisted we play some randoms for a while to figure it out and get better. and we quickly find that the options for noobs not paying money are limited. so we join a game anyway, and start getting told me we suck and are ruining the game because the acronym commands we are being issued by someone who has decided they are in charge of this "game" are inscrutable.
this experience was supposed to sell us on investing more time into it so we could buy stuff in game to "be better". i think i uninstalled it after a few hours. people look for different experiences in games. personally, my idea of free time isn't something where i want to let some random asshole frustratedly boss me around so i can make numbers go up and have fake money to spend on becoming more comfortable with being bossed around and eventually become one of the people who bosses others around. seems a bit too much like some other game we all have to play already.
I miss Heroes of Newarth's matchmaking and it should be like that for most games. Because HoN is more like DotA 1.5, it's centered around carries. You build your team around your carry.
So if your carry is one of the "hard carry" heroes, you need the other four players capable of protecting them for 45 minutes while playing 4v5. After 45 minutes of farming, the hard carry will 1v5 the other team. If you're the other team, you want assassins who gank the other carry and heroes that push quickly. Maybe you have a carry with a large area of attack ult, so your team's other heroes will want AoE abilities, too.
How this translated into matchmaking was the best player on your team picks what carry they're best with and then everyone else picks based around that and countering whatever the other team picks. It didn't matter if you had people below the starting 1200 MMR because your team captain was 3000 MMR. You could actually focus learning how to play. You could watch how your team's more experienced players played and they'd help you figure out what to do.
Sometimes you'd be on a team where everyone had the same MMR and it was clear you all knew the same things. The other team might have someone with over 1k MMR on each of you, but they also had someone with 1k fewer than you.
Anywho it was nice because there wasn't stuff like "bronze, platinum, mythic." There was only the climb. It was similar to chess.
I personally can't stand how long a match takes. And the constant farming and purchase of weaponry.
Fucking capitalist ass game.
I agree. I'd argue that Heroes of the Storm was the very last Blizzard title that was made with love—and it got absolutely demolished by monetization being hamfisted in.
They learned to late for Overwatch 1, but just in time for Overwatch 2!
Hots could been something, but Blizzard was already all in on Overwatch.
HotS pissed me off because it could have easily been Diablo 3's PvP system. Instead we got whatever the fuck brawling is and Blizzard gaslighting everyone that they never actually said tbe game would have PvP.
HoTS is the only good MOBA which is saying something because it's still not great
annoying RTS mod baggage
That's why I never picked up DotA 2, despite playing a lot of the original mod. You're building a game from the ground up, why do you need mechanics from StarCraft's Age of Strife and WarCraft 3? There's no reason to have last hitting. Or crafting recipes. Or a 6 item inventory limit. Or only four skill slots. Those are things because people had to provide work arounds due to the engine limitations of (like you said) a game from 2002.
The worst part is how MOBAs killed the RTS genre. There's been a few new ones trickling in over the last five years or so, but not like the 90s and early 2000s where there were multiples released each year and all trying different things.
Capitalism is when gathering resources to trade in exchange for goods and services
'hey what if we gave an ARPG the control scheme of an RTS, that would be great and not a horrible idea' - all MOBA games
Yeah literally. Everyone I know who got really into it has at some point, either quit the game for a while or permanently because of the effect it had on them, or I have seen/heard them scream at their computer to an embarrassing degree while playing. It never sounded fun, and the one time I played it as a bit (got some thrift store power glove style controller working and everyone wanted me to play because I was the last hold out) I was like why is this appealing?
Can't imagine being happy to be in gold for any game, git gud ya dorks
Gold was when I was just playing Janna and getting drunk on weekday nights in college. I cannot imagine being proud of gold for a decade-old game lmao. Seriously: skill issue. If you're still playing ranked League games in the year of our lord 2024 anno domino and struggling to get to gold, maybe it's time to play something else.
a decade-old game
In a few months, it'll be closer to a two-decade-old game.
As far as I know, the players are distributed along ranks kind of naturally into bronze, plat, etc. Like everyone starts at bronze and then goes up based on wins. Riot downgrades you if you're inactive, but otherwise there's no limit on the number of people in any given rank.
The only reason a person gets stuck in silver is because they don't win games against people with similar win/loss records. In bronze through gold into lower platinum, winning is largely based on mechanics with moderate decision making. Platinum and above is all about decision making because players have all plateaued on mechanics.
For example, a bronze player won't always land their skill shots. In diamond, players won't miss unless the other person has a blink/dash/flash. The bronze player is firing off whenever their skill is ready. The diamond player will prefer not to take the shot unless they know the other player has their dodge on cooldown.
So if you're playing League enough to put it on your resume and grinding ranked, it's not the flex you think it is if you're just now making it to gold. That just says your reaction speeds and typing accuracy aren't even past the bare minimum lmao
League is an absolutely fun game if you are an entirely premade team entirely composed of people who don't easily anger. Otherwise don't bother.
I played to enjoy myself, so that basically meant I engaged in 'jungling' as it was apparently called, and focused on just killing things in the jungle portions; of course the other players would hound me about playing this way or that and so I just dropped the damn game.
I know, I know, 'that's not how it's played'; yeah well I'm not playing to be the best, I'm just trying to enjoy myself.
This game is clearly not for me, and I have to play as a team player and can't just ignore everyone. Definitely not for me.
I really enjoyed the game circa 2014 or so. The game. The player base has individuals that are as toxic as reputation gives. But the matches were actually fairly slow paced and movement creep hadn't gotten incredible yet. Something very strategic about how the phases of the game went. The heroes were deep enough that you could become good with them on a level that impressed, but not so much so that you couldn't rotate between good "counters" to opponent's choices. I actually enjoyed how long the matches were. I usually only played when 2+ friends were also playing to mitigate the toxicity, but I had a blast doing it.
you must be a sociopath to enjoy playing league. she's C-suite material fr.
Only good thing about League is ARAM, summoners rift is legalized torture
They took TT and especially Dominion away from us. Killed so many custom mini games too
10 player friend lobbies of hide and seek was by far the most fun I've ever had playing league