- MintPress News
- The Grayzone
- Geopolitical Economy Report
- World Socialist Website
- Al Mayadeen
- Monthly Review
- ZNetwork
- Uncaptured Media
- Marxist Left Review
- Pearls and Irritations
- In Defense of Communism
- teleSUR English
- ProleWiki
- Consortium News
- Caitlin Johnstone
- The Tricontinental
- CovertAction Magazine
- People's World
- Working Class History
- History is a Weapon
- The Maple
- Breach Media
- PressProgress
- The Canada Files
- Canadian Dimension
- Ricochet
- The Tyee
- Canadian Anti-Hate Network
- People's Voice
- Communist Party of Canada
- New Democratic Party
- Policy Options
- Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
I would actually take The Intercept off that list and replace with Drop Site news, since that's the new site that Jeremy Scahill and Ryan Grim started after their departure from The Intercept. Basically the PMC and NGO class went and enshittified The Intercept
All good, I'm a disgruntled founding subscriber of The Intercept and went to one of their live events, so I have an axe to grind
The intercept still regularly has worthwhile reporting, but no way would they publish anything like what Drop Site is currently.
Should we include breaking points because it includes Ryan and Krystal ball, or exclude it because they co-host with reactionaries?
I only followed Ryan Grim's writing stuff not his video ventures. I'd leave that up to others to decide but I think hosting with reactionaries designates that it's an entertainment product with news like characteristics. Do they do any of their own reporting or is it just hot takes?
For the most part, it's a morning show slash news roundup podcast. They do have some partnerships, like with Jordan Chariton of Status Coup who reports on Flint, MI and East Palestine, OH.
They do some reporting, but it's a lot of hot takes. A few days ago they had a really in depth talk with Jeffrey Sachs about how the US and Wall Street screwed over Russia after the illegal disillusion of the USSR (he was one of the architects of the color revolution in Poland but becomes very disillusioned by the mid 90s, so he would come across as very credible to any lib you show it to)
Yeah, their interviews are some of their most useful segments. Sometimes they interview local reporters too!
They have great people on like Dr. Trita Parsi
Wouldn't call them totally enshittified but agreed that Drop Site has the better reporting now.
The Intercept is still pretty great. That happened a while ago and the articles they are putting out still cover the same kind of topics and from the same positions, at least that I've noticed. Every article I've seen has been covering stuff that the mainstream media wouldn't, and from the left. I don't go to their site to skim, but I haven't seen any bad articles.
In my time at The Intercept, I’ve watched the newsroom increasingly become dominated by management and bureaucrats whose numbers continue to swell as the number of people who actually produce news dwindles. While the Intercept now has one poor copy editor for the entire website, it employs two staff attorneys, as well as a legal fellow, a chief strategy officer, a chief digital officer, a business coordinator, a senior director of development and an associate director of development, a product manager, a senior director of operations, a chief of staff, and a chief operating officer. And for the first time in The Intercept’s history, as of Monday, the new editor-in-chief now answers to the CEO.
The company’s org chart, pictured below, provides a sense of how top-heavy it has become with business hires (basically the entire left half). Organizational chart for The Intercept current as of April 26, 2024. (Credit: The Intercept)
This orgy of management largesse has coincided with layoffs of the editor-in-chief, managing editor, national security editor, copy editor, photo editor, multiple senior editors, social media editor, as well as writers and reporters. There are passionate editors and writers left who still want to do news, like Ryan Grim and Ali Gharib, but they are toiling under the impossible odds of the new management regime.
Klip is awesome. I'm so glad he went out on his own to do what he does best.
I don't know who Raisi is nor am I following Ken so closely that I'm aware of everything he says or does. Also I'm not the crass comment police.
From what I've seen he does good work. I don't think there's ever been a public figure who doesn't fuck up once in awhile, and if there is they're a fucking liar or good at hiding their flaws.
when reporters signal their support for US state department narratives it reveals a lot
Again, I don't know what you're referring to. I can tell you feel strongly about whatever it is. If you want to explain it better and get me on board with it you'll need to add some context around who this person is and why what Ken said about them is problematic.
The work I've seen him crush is putting in endless FOIAs to expose massive wrongdoing at all levels of government and he doesn't seem to pull any punches on whether it's the right or the left fucking around or finding out, and I value that. But I'm still not hip to everything he says or does regards whom, and I'm not enough of a fanboy to drop what I'm doing right now to go down that particular rabbit hole. I do know he left the intercept over enshittification, on principal, which for a writer is a very risky but awesome and empowering move if it works out for him.
I'm aware of what happened. I've read that article.
I'm not sure what you think that has to do with what I said.
It's not as simple as
I haven't seen any bad articles.
They aren't going to just flip a switch and go from writing good articles to bad articles. It's going to be more of, what articles do they not write?
For all Glenn Greenwald's flaws, the thing that made him leave The Intercept was the pushback he got from all these people in the part of the organization that Ken talks about that don't do reporting but somehow keeps growing, that his stories were making Biden look bad and that it was helping Trump.
That's classic behavior from Manufacturing Consent. Choosing to not publish stories or not cover certain topics.
I think the same thing happened to Jeremy Scahill. His big interview with one of the top leaders in Hamas was part of Dropsite News' debut.
The Intercept probably didn't want to run that article.
I didn’t see this one on the list:
Though tbf it doesn’t look like they publish very often these days :/
More lefitsh than leftist, but In These Times and The Real News are generally good for U.S. labor news. posted a long list of news sources a while back, both mainstream and left, from a wide range of tendencies.
Didn't real news drop Chris Hedges bc he said he wasn't voting for Biden when he was still in
Yes. We're going to have serious complaints about any U.S.-based site. Their excuse was because of something to do with non-profit status and rules about endorsements. They attack Biden all the time, though, and had good coverage of the would-be railroad strike.
Unfortunately that list isn't online anymore so i'm working from inoreader now
I would add The Narwhal to the list of Canadian sources. Not exactly a politically left paper, but has a left lean and focuses on environmental issues. It's good.
I need to save this and go over it with what I have. I would add:
General Aggregate:
- PopularResistance.Org:
(RSS feed is an aggregate of news articles pulled from other news sources, so it's good if you want to find more progressive news sources)
Naked Capitalism:
People's Dispatch:
Equal Times:
Struggle La Lucha:
MR Online:
(mixed bag since I occasionally see articles by Ron Paul lol) -
Hampton Institute:
Black Agenda Report:
Hood Communist:
Mostly US:
Unicorn Riot:
The Real News:
- Brasil Wire:
- Orinoco Tribune:
- Prensa Latina:
- The Canary:
Palestine/West Asia:
- The Cradle:
- EcoWatch:
There's also Twitter/Telegram accounts like @african_stream
- PopularResistance.Org:
There’s The Red Stream ( that would be under World.
Time to update my RSS.
Maybe you can put a note next to WSWS (published articles defending sexual predators) and Morning Star (they fuck with TERFs, or so i was told).
Also if The Guardian is here i think Common Dreams and Truthout can go to the US tab, they're more succdems but actually doing great job as a news service.
Prensa Latina is even better, it's mostly Cuba centered but have news from most AES.
For anarchist news there's uhhhh Anarchist News and It's Going Down and Act for freedom
Are there any news sites with half-decent English coverage of events in China/East Asia? I still feel so isolated from a quarter of humans because I literally never see news except "China bad". Otherwise I'm gonna just have to learn Mandarin.
I have more on the feed reader on my laptop that I can post when I get home.
Mostly Spain-based, but with presence in other countries as well: Izquierda Revolucionaria and their roughly monthly newspaper "El Militante"
couple more from aus
red ant (these guys do a lot of good work) -
cpa-ML -
rco for good measure but not sure they do news?
RAHU - sometimes publish articles
oh backlashblogs (their standards arent incredible tho) -
sorry this list is a bit shit maybe but youre including acp and cpa so might as well
Naked Capitalism, perhaps. I don't think they are necessarily leftist per se but have always struck me as progressive and have in depth analysis of current events with a critical eye to the neoliberal party line.