I don't post much, but sometimes I see a take so mindbogglingly stupid I just have to share here
If this had been the US, "Tank man" would have been shot buy the police or run over.
A solid percentage of people who mention Tinyman square believe he actually was run over, and that the footage of him walking away is fake
Ok, PBS isn't great but they at least show the tanks drivers didn't run the guy over? Right?
Someone pointed that out in the thread, then followed it up that the tanks were coming back from the supposed actual massacre
They must have missed the episode of This Old House that debunks the western discourse on it after they repaired some rotten t&g wood flooring.
PBS was WOKE because it had Reading RAINBOW. Pro-LBGTQ trash with a BLACK man as the host. Garbage.
Hmmm, they call it Reading Rainbow and yet black is not a color of the visible light spectrum typically presented within a rainbow! Curious!
doofuses who hate LeVar Burton, probably
It was one of the first shows I added to my extensive google spreadsheet titled The Big List of Woke.
I can’t believe I opened a Reddit link and read the comments again. I can’t stop burning my hand on the stove.
Edit your hosts file to block entire reddit domain. Won't happen again, I guarantee.
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