And how they had people in clean suits spraying down entire streets with disinfectant.

It's a good thing the West picked up on the queen that it might be a good idea to prepare for a virus. Imagine if they decided instead to do nothing, but then blame China for the virus and claim that they created it in a lab and hid the virus from the world.

Just imagine if the West did nothing and instead decided to let it rip through their countries.

  • lvysaur [he/him]
    4 years ago

    well I'm referring more to the low temps. Europe never gets cold or hot. WInters are mild, summers are mild.

    As such, its winters are comparable to Virginia and Beijing. Summers are obviously much cooler.

    Obviously there are exceptions in the parts close to Asia, and the extreme Svalbard-esque north where literally nobody lives. But if you're looking at core Europe, where 90% of the population lives and has lived over the last several millennia, it just doesn't get cold. Or hot, for that matter.

    • LeninsRage [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Ah true, around here the temperature going into the 20s in the winter is considered an outlier and we start wearing sweatshirts when it's regularly hitting the low 60s

      • lvysaur [he/him]
        4 years ago

        yeah. The other thing is that Europe is extremely humid (again, until you get near Asia), which is of course an amazing thing for the climate and food production, especially if the weather doesn't get hot (which it doesn't)

      • lvysaur [he/him]
        4 years ago

        yea i guess you're right. It's more like the north parts don't get very cold, and obviously don't get hot

        while the south parts get roughly as hot as other places on the same latitude, but still don't get as cold as those places

        also africa begins at the pyrenees