• emizeko [they/them]
    4 years ago

    yeah right it was about Amelia Warren Tyagi and her Demos think tank paying WFP off

    Does Elizabeth Warren’s Daughter’s Financial Connection to Working Families Party Hang a Cloud Over Endorsement?

    Amelia Warren Tyagi served as co-chair of the board of trustees of Demos, a progressive think tank, from May 2010 through May of this year. According to Demos’ IRS 990 form for the fiscal year starting July 1st, 2017 through June 30th, 2018, **Demos issued three separate grants to the Working Families Party totaling $45,000. These grants to WFP made up of 20 percent of Demos’ total grants ($229,523) issued for the fiscal year. ** he grants were first uncovered by political activist Sam Finkelstein online.

    who gives a fuck about these shitheads, they can go die