Shockingly(he is a right wing dem) he is one of the ones that has talked about an arms embargo. He should just say that if he is heckled. But yea
Sometimes I just wonder who is running these campaigns. Like they make the statement on an arms embargo but this is their, id assume, planned response to a situation like this. They are common enough for Dems they must have discussed it. Just
The way this is written feels like a parable...if only it were a actually a parable and not the hellworld we all currently reside in
The way this is written feels like a parable...
It's the end of the NYT article. At the NYT I'm starting to think I should always start at the end. The following something I posted a few days ago - Holy NYT euphemisms, Batman! - Hexbear. The screengrab is also the end.
Hope for what? More genocide? It's more genocide isn't it
Someone is protesting against genocide and your response is to chant hope to drown them out? Real
I sure love liberal democracy and how it resolves issues in the marketplace of ideas.
sock puppet and silly voice for some people, hope looks like the cessation of genocide
A lot of people are saying it folks, huge crowds are saying it.