Struggle session engage. Post your pathetic arguments so that I and the other China Good Posters can dismantle them and you can learn.
Key points:
China is a democracy. It is arguably the most functional and responsive democracy in a major country today. Its citizens consider it more democratic than the citizens of almost any other country do their own.
China is on a clear path to socialism and economic justice. No nation in history has ever reduced poverty in anything like the way China is doing it.
The vast majority of people in the PRC support the CPC. This is not due to being brainwashed. Americans are brainwashed and still hate their government.
Almost everything you hear about China in the West sits on a spectrum between malicious misrepresentation to outright fabrication with no basis in reality.
China's ascension to the premiere global power is an extremely good thing for world peace and the global socialist movement. While China does not actively support other socialisms (sadly it's not as good as the USSR in this regard) it does not do imperialism. China will allow socialisms around the world to flourish simply by not actively crushing them like the US and Europe.
And a history of murdering the people who complain when prompted like this...
Yeah sure, they kill gazillions of their own people.
Edit: No but seriously, you maybe don't understand just how varied political opinion is in China, but there is PLENTY of variety, with plenty of people behind each variety as well. Obviously the overton window is shifted left in chinese politics, but there is variety, and they are allowed to express it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have headaches when I go onto Weibo, the platform notorious for white worshippers and capitalist-shills.
gorillions even
So you're denying that people died in the cultural revolution?
Or you just think murdering statistics worth of people is a joke?
This is a roundabout way of implying without sticking your neck out and saying "China doesn't kill political dissidents"
Are you actually claiming this? Or that free speech is allowed to go further than posting?
Lol when tf did I say no one died in the cultural revolution? Don't stick words into my mouth and try to argue against it, bad form.
Also, when did I say that murdering political dissidents is a funny joke?
I'm saying that there is political dissident, and no, not all of them are killed because if they were, most of China would fucking disappear. You know that there are multiple parties within China right? Including the KMT? So yes, there is freedom to have different political views, and even have a place in government.
Furthermore, I'm not sure why you are so obsessed with free speech. It is not very useful to bitch about Trump on twitter, when you're dying of Covid because he is incompetent. So yes in a sense, the west is very free in speech, and you are also free to starve in the streets, free to go into lifelong debt for education etc.
And don't get me started on how the West kills political dissidents. You're beyond naive if you thing the free and mighty west doesn't kill rebels, and then co-opts their image and whitewash them of all their revolutionary intent. That shit takes real skill.
There was a thread about it on this very website a while ago.
Okay - you wanna find it and link it?
Yeah, it's just that easy...
This site has a pretty robust search feature, and if you're making these claims, you should be able to back them up.
The search feature is shit btw
Yeah, fuck me for piping up about a discussion I remember and not remembering the exact search terms that will bring it up. Next time I just won't participate and only people who agree will participate in the 'convince people who disagree' thread.
Really fucking helps when all the post titles are ironic shit like 'is dis u?'
I've been trying to find it this whole time people have been downvoting me and replying with snide shit and I'm already past 'fuck it'.
I mean if you're admitting you don't really know what you're talking about that deeply, and you're just saying something you remembered you saw in another thread - but can't remember any details at all about that thread, and can't provide other sources backing up your (quite extreme) claim...I expect you to get shit on, sorry.
Well I have the memory of all of the revisionists on this website acknowledging it then and pretending they don't know what I'm talking about now, so I give this 'convince people china is not actually bad' thread an A+