Being a shithead can manifest itself in many ways:
If your friend says something offensive, and you don't call them out, or you only gently scold them so you can stay on good terms - you're being a shit head.
If you're criticising people behind their back, or holding your tongue in a meeting, and gossiping later - you're being a shithead.
If you're letting people off lightly because what they say doesn't personally affect you - you're being a shithead.
If you're demanding special treatment, while expecting others hold themselves to a higher standard - you're being a shithead.
If you resort to personal attacks, instead of arguing against an incorrect point - you're being a shithead.
If you hear someone state a falsehood as fact, and you don't correct them - you're being a shithead.
If you're at work and you're not agitating, and showing no concern for the well-being of others - you're being a shithead.
If you see someone harming others, while you do nothing to stop them, and do not try to reason with them - you're being a shithead.
If you do the bare minimum, with no direction, plans or goals - you're being a shithead.
If you consider yourself a veteran, better than others around you, and above menial tasks, - you're being a shithead.
If you're aware you've made a mistake, and you do nothing to correct it - you're being a shithead.
Being a shithead might keep you comfortable and safe, but you're doing harm to those around you when you engage in these behaviours.
If you're being a shithead, do not.
I try my best to uphold these principles, so yeah I guess you can say I'm pretty unpopular.
Yes I did just do a shorthand version of combat liberalism and ctrl+h "liberal" with "shithead", the idea of making a poster with these points that just says "DONT BE A SHIT" has been floating around in my noggin for a while, yes thank you, I am very funny.
actually if the original copy of this said "shitremoved" and I changed it to "shithead" so I don't upset anyone, is that liberalism? 🤔 /s
I feel like this should almost go in c/badposting haha
Okay have you considered that not being a shithead might get me fired and/or homeless?
I am kind of a coward though.
I did think about this while I was writing it, I am currently unemployed because of my agitating at work. Just remind yourself this was written in the 1930s, for communist party members who needed to be who were being a bit academic and weird, the vanguard from the ivory tower.
Dont be too hard on yourself, we can only do our best. I spend half my life gossiping to my closest allies but half the people i work with make me feel unsafe to broach these things with.
Organising at work can be as simple as asking your work mates if theyre in a union, if its anything like my experience youll just be shut down by someone who's saving for europe or something.
It is scary, being brave doesnt mean not being afraid.
If you do the bare minimum, with no direction, plans or goals - you're being a shithead.
it's just depression
Depression in my experience is doing less than the minimum, haha yay 😮💨
This has been stripped of references to party work, but it relates to that
To not front me a gram, this is another type of being a shithead
In real life you have to learn to chose your battles. Adhering to every one of these instructions will eventually end every relationship you have. Work, personal life, all of it cannot withstand the criticism it deserves and you will be seen as the shithead if you persist. Been there, done that, and it sucks.
Agreed. This advice only works in the context of being part of a revolutionary party actively in the process of seizing state power. And I think this proves a good point-- without a disciplined party organization, we are all libs. I mean, shitheads
I agree. Its also not particularly safe to do.
I realise how silly I probably look posting quotes of text that argue against book worship, but we should tell Mao to read Mao or something
III OPPOSE BOOK WORSHIP Whatever is written in a book is right — such is still the mentality of culturally backward Chinese peasants. Strangely enough, within the Communist Party there are also people who always say in a discussion, "Show me where it's written in the book." When we say that a directive of a higher organ of leadership is correct, that is not just because it comes from "a higher organ of leadership" but because its contents conform with both the objective and subjective circumstances of the struggle and meet its requirements. It is quite wrong to take a formalistic attitude and blindly carry out directives without discussing and examining them in the light of actual conditions simply because they come from a higher organ. It is the mischief done by this formalism which explains why the line and tactics of the Party do not take deeper root among the masses. To carry out a directive of a higher organ blindly, and seemingly without any disagreement, is not really to carry it out but is the most artful way of opposing or sabotaging it.
I live in a heavily catholic European country, If I berated and cut contact with every racist, homophobic or transphobic person in my life I might as well go live in the woods alone.
GOOD post
Now I can make liberals read Mao without them doing a thought terminating cliche.
Please excuse me, I am australian, but also considering its replacing liberalism i think a term a lil harsher than dingus
either way i should have workshopped this more
Brb, gonna post these in the lunch room and my work van.