I've seen too much of this. No, the nazis and the Soviets were not equivalent.

Do. Better.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    1 year ago

    How are these comparable?

    1. Mass genocide

    2. A civil war

    3. Famine in a region prone to regular famines for centuries (the last famine the region ever had I might add)

    If we're comparing large numbers of deaths here we should throw the British Empire's record and the US Empire's record alongside them. The British Empire probably has both beat with the India famine alone, the US genocide of native americans is estimated at over 100million. We're accepting those as products of their time though? Why? Why are we comparing only the soviets to the nazis and not them?

    Nobody is going to disagree that those happened here. But the framing you're doing is fucked.

    • DoubleShot [he/him]
      1 year ago

      (Just a clarification comrade - and I could be wrong, I’m doing this from memory - but I think the 100 million number is genocide across all of the western hemisphere from 1492. The figure I’ve seen for just what was contained the present USA is around 10 million. Doesn’t make it any less evil of course, death to America, but just wanted to clarify that for posterity)

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
        1 year ago

        100 million is the number including diseases brought over and spreading mostly on their own.